
Someone you respect and admire is singing your praises. This will result in a promotion or job offer. You take great pride in being independent. When someone else helps you to achieve a goal, it feels uncomfortable. Put aside your pride and be grateful for the assistance you receive. We're here to uplift and support each other. Being receptive to generosity will make you more giving. Make one of your New Year's resolutions to share your resources more readily with others.

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Speak from the heart. You've been reluctant to contradict someone you admire. Lately, their behaviour has been distressing. Take them aside and explain your concerns. Be kind but firm in your remarks. It's possible this accomplished person is suffering from an addiction or financial shortfall. With gentle encouragement from you, they will be able to turn over a new leaf. If you can't change their mind, keep this individual at arm's length until they reform. You can't have your reputation ruined by this association.

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Be willing to ask for what you want. Automatically assuming you will be turned down will result in a missed opportunity. You've been working hard and want to make more money. If your employer can't give you a raise, they might be able to give you better benefits. More annual leave or the opportunity to work from home might be an acceptable compromise. Use your excellent negotiation skills to hammer out a better agreement. You'll make good progress when you treat these talks like a game.

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Working with a group will be more enjoyable than expected. You're dealing with people who are more interested in producing results than creating unnecessary drama. As a result, you can do impressive work. The fruits of your labour will be well received. Even the most severe critics will appreciate what you've done. Don't be surprised when someone proposes a business partnership. This alliance will help you realise a dream you've had since childhood. Be open to adopting a more organised approach; it will pay off.

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It's time for you to assume a leadership role. You're the only one popular enough to command respect. Be ready to discipline people who think they can slack off while you're at the helm. When everyone understands that there are consequences for their behaviour, they'll work harder than ever. Be sure to reward those who go above and beyond the call of duty. Soon, you will have the most productive team in the entire organisation. At that point, you'll be given a bonus.

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Your charisma attracts admirers from every corner. If you're looking for love, you'll find it with an accomplished person who works for themselves. Their appreciation for your creative talent will inspire you to sell your handiwork. With the help of your amour, you could launch a profitable business that allows you to quit your day job. Are you already in a relationship? Your amour will have news that is cause for celebration. Go for a gourmet meal to commemorate this turning point.

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It's time to move on. Dwelling on a setback will keep you from fulfilling your potential. If you want to achieve prosperity, it can happen, so long as you make a fresh start. That means turning a deaf ear to the critical voices you heard throughout childhood. In addition, you should break off any toxic relationships that you've maintained out of obligation. Your first loyalty is to yourself. Anyone who wants to remain in your orbit should be supportive of you.

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An unexpected meeting will change your outlook. Instead of giving up on a difficult project, you'll approach it from another angle. This method will yield impressive results. Those people who thought this job was a lost cause will thank you for salvaging it. If you have your own business, you'll see a dramatic surge in custom. That's because you will have hit upon a way to deliver quality goods in record time. If you keep up the good work, you'll be able to retire early.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You'll get a marvellous career boost. If your boss asks you to assume more responsibility, agree. This position will involve long hours and hard work, but your sacrifices will pay off. This transition will expand your experience and develop leadership skills. After paying your dues, you'll be able to launch your own business. Being able to set your own hours and travel freely will be a handsome reward for these efforts. First, you must demonstrate you can make personal sacrifices for the sake of the group.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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When you focus like a laser on your goals, you will reach heights you never dreamed possible. Your powers of persuasion are very strong, especially when it comes to creativity. Whether you're auditioning for roles or applying for a residency programme or selling your handiwork, you will be able to land a desirable place in the spotlight. Lots of romantic attention will be a nice bonus for your hard work. People are highly receptive to your unique energy. Take advantage of this golden opportunity.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're ready to share a secret. Confiding in a sympathetic relative will be liberating. Don't be surprised if you're motivated to make restitution for a past injustice. Repaying a loan, offering a sincere apology or returning a precious object are among the possibilities. You're tired of being dragged down by guilt. The sooner you come clean, the faster you can assert your independence. You will no longer be held hostage to a restrictive relationship or job. Break the ties that bind.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You love spending time with friends. They help put annoying problems in proper perspective. Being misunderstood at work has been dragging you down. You've mistakenly blamed yourself for a colleague's failure to communicate. Tell your nearest and dearest about this struggle. They'll point out some things you haven't realised. At that point, you'll breathe a sigh of relief. The next time you're subjected to antisocial behaviour, you won't take it personally. You may even be inspired to challenge the person who has been undermining your confidence.

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