
News received early in the day puts a new slant on future plans; there is a need to do some financial calculations. Arrangements already made can be altered if you feel they're getting too costly or impractical. People might groan at having to make revisions but they will thank you later as ultimately you are saving a lot of people a lot of future hassle.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Dealings with a government or council department could seem one sided. No matter how strongly you put forward your case it seems as if you just can't win. A decision was made long before today. You have a choice of whether to give in or take the matter further. If you go for the latter, the aggravation and upset could take its toll on your health. Why not bring this issue to a close today?

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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An offer to have a novel or poem published, a work of art exhibited or an award for creative efforts leaves you ecstatic. Sometimes when you are least expecting it, the best things seem to happen. A controlled, soft landing back to earth is recommended later in the day. Circumstances may have taken your breath away but you need to take a no nonsense approach to all the practicalities.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Even if you have nothing arranged, include a few friends in your plans; you don't want to spend the whole day alone. It shouldn't be too difficult to think of ways to while away the hours even if it's just a day out shopping! At work there may be a lack of excitement or challenges. At least this will give you the chance to get on top of all routine tasks you have to deal with!

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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After some discord in a friendship or group association people are starting to behave more like human beings again! There may be a few apologies from a colleague who admits to having been churlish in the past. Similarly, the clouds are starting to part and the sun shines through in a close and loving relationship. Past disagreements are swiftly forgotten.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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This isn't a day to keep your thoughts to yourself; share your worries. People will be surprisingly understanding and helpful. If you're trying to get a group or community exercise off the ground, get your thoughts out into the open. Any self doubts you have been entertaining will disappear once you realise how keen other people are about your proposals.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Consider the reason why a loved one is urging you to take a more serious look at your money situation. Accept the need to discuss the way joint finances should be organised and spent in the future. Don't exaggerate your expenditures out of all proportion. If you're honest and sensible about it, you will realise you don't need as much as you say you do for routine overheads.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A speculative venture might not be doing as well as you expected. You could delay doing anything about it in the hope your luck changes. A more sensible choice is to take a look at new options while you are in control. Have a rethink about your income and expenditures while you are at it. You can't be too careful where finances are concerned.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You seem to be spending more time with one particular person either in a work or social capacity. If you are attached, your partner could get suspicious of this relationship. As stifled as this may make you feel, try to see things through other people's eyes. A few carefully chosen words is all that's needed to put a loved one's mind at ease.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You could have a few problems trying to get a hold of a doctor or another expert when you need them. Someone is keeping you from making progress. Whether this is a cantankerous receptionist, an overly protective secretary or an incompetent colleague, you need to find a way around them. It seems to be the people you are dealing with that cause you all the hassle today.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Today you are presented with jobs to do which don't normally fall in your court. A change is said to be as good as a rest. The more you can put your imagination to work, the more you will get out of today's events and activities. If and when any seemingly bright ideas strike, be sure to act on them immediately. Encourage friends to be spontaneous too!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Be sensible if spending on the home and family. The temptation to splash out on something special is almost too strong to resist. The pleasure you could give someone through this purchase will make the outlay seem worth it. To justify today's expenses do all you can to economise and keep a strong hold on the purse strings in the future!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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