
It's time to correct a financial imbalance. If you haven't been enjoying the fruits of your labour, splash out on some luxuries that fill you with appreciation. Have you been spending too much? Make a weekly contribution to a savings account. Career prospects are excellent. This is a wonderful time to apply for a desirable job. The competition will be fierce, but you'll quickly emerge as one of the best candidates. Emphasise your leadership skills; they are key to landing this position.

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Recently, you've been waiting hand and foot on loved ones. Now it's time to put your needs first. Treat yourself to a cutting-edge gadget that makes life easier. The faster you can carry out tasks, the more opportunity you will have to enjoy art. Your legendary patience works to your advantage. Working towards an advanced degree or writing a book will be a slow but rewarding process. Instead of trying to reach the finish line at warp speed, adopt a deliberate pace.

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Releasing standards of perfection will cause you to breathe a sigh of relief. You are an eternal work in progress. Rather than beating yourself up for what you haven't accomplished, continually compliment yourself for having come this far. You might as well enjoy the journey. Hard work and discipline will help you overcome a habit. Work with a health professional, counsellor or support group. There's no reason you should go through this challenge alone. There is strength in numbers.

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You should be justifiably proud of your progress. Don't be shy about discussing your achievements. True friends will rejoice over these accomplishments. Jealous people will keep their distance. This is a valuable lesson about which friendships are worth keeping; surround yourself with supporters. A business partnership will put you on the path to financial security. Take this opportunity to purchase a home or car. Anything that will serve you for years to come is worth your hard-earned cash.

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Pampering your loved ones comes naturally to you. There's nothing you enjoy more than creating a safe, comfortable environment for your nearest and dearest. Pouring this impulse into work will be very profitable. Seek a job in the hospitality or entertainment field. You'll be given an important task at work. Take this as a compliment. Your boss knows you're the only one who can do justice to this job. After it's complete, ask for a raise. You certainly will have earned one.

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Even when people don't defer to your expertise, continue to offer your feedback. It's important to be on record as having opposed a bad plan. Eventually, your superiors will realise you were correct. At that point, you'll be given the promotion you deserve. A demanding creative project is a wonderful distraction from petty problems. Rather than obsessing over an annoying situation at work, pour your energy into a creative hobby. Soon, these mundane issues will fade into the background and you'll feel a deep sense of peace.

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The sooner you release resentment, the faster abundance will flow into your life. You don't have to condone bad behaviour, but you can release a person's influence over your life. Turn your back on the past and seize the power of the present moment. Quiet dignity and self-assurance commands respect at home. You don't have to issue threats to maintain control. Instead, quietly state your expectations and turn your attention to personal matters. Your relatives will stop resenting you and start trying to live up to your standards.

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You can be assertive and polite. While everyone else is trying to elbow their way to the front of the line, you should remain calm. Someone who notices your poise will single you out. At that point, you can expect your needs to be met. Taking a short trip for business will be beneficial. Whether you sign a new client or are offered a job, you will return home with a big smile on your face. It feels great when people admire your ideas.

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It's important to be compassionate towards yourself. If you're struggling with an ache or pain, stop what you're doing and give attention to that part of your body. Trying to power through an injury or illness is a mistake. A small change can bring relief. You're determined to leave the rat race as soon as possible. Saving a portion of your monthly pay will let you start your own business or retire early. Alternatively, you can take a fun job for less money.

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You have a chance to do something selfish or serve the rest of the group. Choose the latter. It's hard to have fun while everyone else is suffering. Your community-oriented attitude will command great respect, opening the doors to exciting creative opportunities. Your leadership ability will be greatly appreciated. Making order out of chaos will salvage a civic institution from extinction. If this place is going to remain relevant, you must add some modern approaches to collecting money and attracting new customers.

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A profound sense of security strengthens your family connections. You don't have to feel defensive now that you have demonstrated an ability to support yourself. If anyone dares criticises your choices, laugh off the criticism. The only thing that matters is your happiness. The more you trust yourself, the faster you will achieve success. You've been blessed with extraordinary gifts, so it's unnecessary to pursue conventional goals. Keep marching to the beat of your own drum; it's the only way to go.

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You'll finally get an answer to a question. This is a big relief, as it allows you to move forward with plans. Schedule a holiday, sign up for a course or start writing an article. You'll enjoy the intellectual stimulation of trying new things. Pursuing your heart's desire will cause stress to drop away. Constantly subverting your needs to satisfy others creates anxiety. Summon your courage and do as you wish. Others will grumble, but it's a small price to pay for happiness.

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