
Summon every ounce of your willpower to advance your job prospects. Whether you have to study for a higher degree or learn a foreign language is immaterial. The important thing is to expand your repertoire. These days, it's not enough to be a one trick pony. The more knowledge you have, the more desirable you will be. Don't worry if certain concepts eluded you in the past. You're much more focused and determined now.

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You're anxious to push past limitations imposed on you in the past. Maybe someone told you that you were suited to a particular kind of work, which made you scared to follow your heart's desire. If you've ever had artistic inclinations, this is the time to explore them. Taking a course with a respected expert could put you in touch with your creative side. Contrary to popular opinion though, you're not merely practical.

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Instead of looking to others for approval, you need to adopt a more independent approach. During the past few years, you've aligned yourself with some powerful people, but at times they made you unsure of your own wants and wishes. Now you have an opportunity to go solo. Push past your fears and venture into the unknown. Moving to your own place, buying a home, or starting a family are among the options for you now.

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Helping others can be a double edged sword. On the one hand, you enjoy putting your talents to good use. On the other, you feel tired of always giving and never receiving. If you feel like people are taking advantage of your generosity, you need to speak up. It's imperative to communicate your frustration. Otherwise, everyone will continue to assume you're perfectly capable of handling problems by yourself. Don't fool yourself into thinking your needs are obvious.

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Getting acclaim for your artistic talent is essential to your well being. Although you've always been fond of luxuries, they are meaningless unless you are creatively fulfilled. This is a good time to put an inventive spin on an old tradition. Some people will gasp at your audacity, but most will applaud your originality. If you have a child who wants to sing, dance, write, or paint, offer encouragement. Try to instil discipline into them; it will be necessary for their success.

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Becoming your own authority can be something of a challenge. You've always had great respect for your elders and superiors. Ultimately, however, you need to make your own decisions. This is especially important with regard to your professional ambition. Just because you've been told you can do certain things well doesn't mean you should pursue them. Following your heart's desire will be scary but liberating. Turn a deaf ear to critics who think you should fulfil their dreams.

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You crave intellectual stimulation, and may start digging into a mysterious matter. The information you discover may astonish you. Be prepared to have several illusions shattered. Fortunately, you come from a position where it's better to know the truth than be left in the dark. If it turns out someone you idolise is involved in a scandalous affair, it may be a sign you need to take a more realistic view of people. Putting loved ones on pedestals creates problems for everyone involved.

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You have a strong sense of values that can sometimes feel like a burden. You're tired of maintaining such high standards when nobody else seems to care. What you may not realise is your friends have a great deal of respect for your principled behaviour. In fact, they may ask you to take the helm of a large organisation. You can be trusted with precious things like personal files and finances. Do your best to live up to the group's faith in you.

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The secret to your success is your strong willed intensity. Many of your rivals underestimate you, because you have such a light hearted approach to problems. What these competitors don't realise is you believe a positive attitude obliterates obstacles. Instead of wringing your hands whenever you encounter a problem, you smile and push forward. An older, established member of your organisation appreciates your attitude, and could offer you a raise or promotion.

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You're being expected to take things on faith, which can be difficult for you. When it comes to life, you're a big proponent of 'seeing is believing.' Unfortunately, you won't have the luxury of having tangible proof. You can take comfort from a person you've always admired. Their implicit trust that things always work out for the best has usually proved correct. The next time you are filled with doubt or fear, think of this friend, and vow to adopt their attitude.

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People can tell a lot about you by the company you keep. If you want to make progress, team up with friends you admire. You'll start accumulating their habits by osmosis. Don't be surprised if you learn one or two things about investing money and conserving resources. By learning to make the most of what you have, you'll find the contentment you crave. Putting money away for retirement can be especially comforting.

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You're tired of being bossed around by people who are less capable than you. Fortunately, a business or romantic partner recognises the full extent of your ability. By asking this person for advice, you can become more authoritative. The reason you've been overlooked for promotions in the past is because you've refused to toot your own horn. Get over your modest attitude. Someone with your accomplishments can afford to show off a bit.

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