
Be mindful of your lover's need for a beautiful environment. You're the type who needs excitement to thrive, but your loved one wants a more tranquil environment. Work is keeping you away from this relationship, which is stressful. Therefore, you should take pains that your better half is comfortable while waiting for your return home. If you're single, this isn't a good time to be looking for a partner, because career demands make it difficult to give your love life the time and attention it needs.

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Taking care of your body, health, and wellbeing is critical. Lately, you've been making the rounds of parties, which is taking a toll on your system. Overloading on rich food and intoxicating beverages will make it difficult to face the challenges ahead. It will also wreak havoc with your looks, just when you have a chance to meet someone special. It would be a shame to be recovering from a hangover when you could be making a fabulous impression on a highly successful executive.

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Don't let pride get in the way of pursuing an intimate relationship. It's scary to let down your guard with someone who has such power over you. Sometimes you feel like your brain shuts off when amour arrives on the scene. You're a very logical person, so when somebody fills you with sexual desire, it's like you're entering a danger zone. Still, that might be a good thing. You're tired of playing it safe in love. Throw caution to the wind and enjoy your love life.

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Unrealistic expectations are creating problems in your love life. When you were growing up, your family instilled certain beliefs about partnerships. These coloured the sorts of people you pursued. Now you're older, you realise what you require to be happy. It's important for you to find someone who is masterful, authoritative, and sensual. Teaming up with a mild, agreeable partner will lead to disappointment. You've got such a vibrant personality that it would overwhelm a person who lacks conviction.

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Resist the temptation to overanalyse a mysterious colleague. It looks as if a workmate wants to create conflict. The more energy you expend on this troublemaker, the more frustrated you'll become. You're the kind of warm optimist who wants to see the good in everyone. Unfortunately, there are certain sour people who are intent on raining on everyone's parade. That's the type you're dealing with now. Being in their presence will dampen your enthusiasm.

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Placing too much emphasis on material security is making you miserable. There will always be lean times. When these occur, you have a choice to make the most of what you have or yearn for more. Focusing on what you lack will cause you to miss a romantic opportunity. You can have a wonderful time with somebody who shares your love of sensual pleasure. The two of you will have lots of fun preparing sumptuous meals together.

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It's hard for you to be assertive when you've been taught it is rude. Still, this is one of those times when you have to push your way to the head of the line. If you don't, you'll miss a rare opportunity for happiness. A beautiful home can be yours, provided you make a strong case to the landlord or seller. You're one of the few people who can properly care for this property. You'd never neglect its landscape or paint it some hideous colour.

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Resist the temptation to escape reality; you need your wits about you. Signing a contract without reading the fine print will lead to trouble. You're better off waiting a few days before entering a formal agreement. Postponing the deal will make the other party nervous, helping you forge a much stronger agreement. Transportation delays and mechanical breakdowns will force you to change plans at the last minute.

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Don't put all of your eggs in one basket, especially where finances are concerned. Having at least two sources of income will protect you against poverty. These days, the economy is so precarious you can't take any job for granted. Someone will try to buy your affection. Resist falling into this tempting trap. Although the prospect of being pampered, petted, and protected is comforting, you'd soon grow bored of such an arrangement.

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It will be difficult to maintain an air of professionalism with an indecisive employer. One minute you are told to perform a job one way, and then the next you are given an entirely different set of instructions. Such caprice drives you to distraction. Bite your tongue whenever you are tempted to lash out at your boss. You can't afford to look like a troublemaker at this juncture. By making the best of a difficult situation, you'll soon find a more rewarding position. It's just a matter of patience.

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Although you're tempted to try something new, you will be forced to tread the same old path. This is frustrating for an adventurer like you. You long to explore greener pastures. Unfortunately, a deep seated fear is stopping you taking a risk. You're afraid of looking foolish in front of people who may scorn and ridicule you so you will need a confidence boost. Friends and relatives will support you, but you may feel you need more than that.

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It will be impossible to keep a secret any longer. A trusted confidante will let privileged information slip, prompting a storm of gossip. You feel betrayed, and with good reason. Still, it would be a shame to end a loving friendship just because of an innocent mistake. Your friend never meant to harm you. Besides, it might be a blessing in disguise that the truth has finally come out. You're tired of pretending to be someone you are not.

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