
This is not a good time to adopt a 'my way or the highway' stance. Although you are bound and determined to do things your own way, you should not exert pressure on your business or romantic partner. There's a good chance your other half will be so insulted by their attitude that they'll end your union. This is the last thing you want to happen. Take a few deep breaths and strike a compromise. Your willingness to meet in the middle will be a mark of emotional maturity.

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A hidden agenda will come to light, making you very angry. Although you have more experience and knowledge than a rival, a plum position will be given to them. Instead of staying around for more abuse, take control of the situation. Look for a better position elsewhere. After doing some research into companies that treat their employees well, you'll be able to make a successful transition. Sometimes the Universe sends a huge disappointment to correct your course. Be ready to pivot.

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Playing hot and cold with a partner won't get you anywhere. Take some time to review your feelings. If you want a partnership, be honest. Pretending not to care will do a huge disservice to the object of your desire. Summon your courage and ask for a date. Propose a romantic outing instead of casually asking to hang out together. Making your intentions known will get this romance off the ground. Are you in a relationship? Stop pouring all your energy into friendships and plan some candlelit dinners.

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A career upset will force you to make new plans. If you're stuck in an unpleasant position, think about launching your own business. You've been blessed with natural leadership ability. Use your skills to build a company. Being able to keep all the profits will be a welcome change. You're tired of making other people wealthy while you toil away for crumbs. If you have an enterprise that goes south, don't worry. You'll be able to embark on a more lucrative path after taking a prolonged break.

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Beware of venting your anger with someone at work. If you want an outlet for your emotions, get some exercise. Write in your diary. Work on a handicraft project. Do anything to keep your heart and mind busy. After you get some distance from this upsetting situation, you can deal with it in a healthy way. Sending out your creative work for review, publicising a business venture or interviewing for another job will boost your confidence. Soon, anger towards your tormentor will turn to pity.

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You're in a financially unstable situation. If you're drowning in credit card debt, contact a debt management agency. Such institutions have been created for people in your situation. By consolidating your bills and reducing the interest rate, you'll be able to pay off the balance much faster than expected. Are you with a partner who is a spendthrift? It's important to keep your bank accounts separate. You don't want your good record to be tarnished by their bad decisions.

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Stepping out of your partner's shadow is critical. You tend to defer to others, preferring to promote harmony than command attention. This keeps you from realising your full potential. Rather than postponing your dreams for the benefit of your other half, do something daring. Get an advanced degree, show off your handiwork in a public forum or submit written work for publication. Don't make a big song and dance of this decision. You don't have to discuss your choices with anyone.

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You're undergoing a lot of stress. Unless you find a healthy outlet for this anxiety, it will take a toll on your health. Take up a form of gentle exercise. Even taking a walk on your lunch hour can be therapeutic. Tension gets stored in your body. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, it becomes impossible to release this energy. Beware of venting your anger on social media. You don't want these harsh words to come back and haunt you.

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Picking a fight is a terrible way to relieve boredom. If you're stuck in a rut, move in a positive direction. This could involve anything from taking up a hobby to joining a sports team to going on an overseas trip. Stop telling yourself it's too inconvenient to change things now. A relative or friend can attend to your household responsibilities while you're away. Colleagues can cover your duties at work. Claiming you are indispensable will make a bad situation worse.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Powerful emotions are making it difficult for you to work. Instead of sweeping your feelings under the rug, confront them. Talking to a counsellor or confiding in a diary can help you process some upsetting memories. Stop allowing a disappointing memory to cloud your judgement. Pursuing a dream career will build your confidence. Best of all, it will help you put the past behind you. Give yourself permission to move forward. Your success will be the ultimate revenge on the people who hurt you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A heated argument will shake you to the core. It won't be possible to control your temper with someone who keeps pushing your buttons. Rather than letting the abuse continue, say how you feel. Standing up for yourself will be scary but empowering. Have you been pretending to be someone you are not? Come clean. It will take time to regain people's trust, so be patient. Once people realise you have turned over a new leaf, they'll give you another chance.

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A risky investment will backfire. Instead of dwelling on this loss, focus on strengthening your foundation. Seek a more lucrative line of work. Put a percentage of your pay each month into a savings account. Downgrade your lifestyle. By building your savings back up, you'll regain confidence in yourself. Soon, you'll be taking the creative risks necessary to fulfil your artistic potential. Concentrate on what you have and how to maximise it. Get rich quick schemes are not the answer; hard work is.

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