
Leaving a comfortable situation for uncharted territory is scary but exhilarating. You're not the type who thrives carrying out dull routines. Meeting new people gives you a chance to learn things that would otherwise escape your attention. A far sighted visionary's ideas are especially captivating now. By forming a partnership, you should feel able to move past an obstacle that for one reason or another has stopped you achieving a lifelong dream. .

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Although your high standards are impressive, they can feel oppressive to others. Few people are talented and driven enough to meet with your approval. By taking a more nurturing and open minded attitude, you'll avoid the personality clashes that have plagued you in the past. Join forces with an unorthodox 'blue sky' thinker who wants to climb the ladder of success. They may be a bit rough round the edges, but that will change with time.

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You have a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses. On the plus side, you are optimistic, enthusiastic and hard working. These qualities help you to tackle big projects and see them through to completion. On the other side of the ledger you can cling too tightly to social norms. Sometimes it's better to break with convention for the sake of trying something new. If you get the chance to try something new, take it and don't worry what the neighbours say.

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Achieving success on your own feels like a hollow victory. You far prefer operating as part of a team. Maybe it's why so many of your relatives, colleagues and neighbours love being in your company. Instead of hogging the spotlight, you share it with the people who have helped you along the way. If you get a raise or award, throw a big party. Be sure to single out those whose talent was integral to your achievement. This will pave the way for future collaborations.

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Your creativity can't be contained. Take a few hours off to paint, write, or play music. When you don't exercise your imagination, you become irritable. This drives romance from your door. Whether you're single or in a relationship, you have the chance to enjoy a steamy encounter with an attentive lover. Don't bother making the first move; your admirers will come to you. That's just one of the many benefits you will enjoy after inviting your inner artist out to play.

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An ability to anticipate problems makes you a valuable asset. In the past, people accused you of being a worrywart. After helping the group to avoid several upcoming hassles and hitches this teasing has turned to respect. Now you're entering unfamiliar territory, you're especially aware of potential dangers. Do a little research to a group or company's culture before making an overture. This will help you evade pitfalls that defeated previous candidates.

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You've never lost your childhood curiosity, which is probably why you have such a young following. People with open minds respond to your natural optimism. One of your admirers will ask you to become their mentor or teacher. Although you're a little hesitant to accept this assignment, you'll eventually agree. You know the power of having a helpful friend to guide you through life. Your new role will reveal talents that were previously hidden to you.

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It's time to put a family situation in perspective. Striving for some Hollywood ideal is making you miserable. Your relatives have their strengths and weaknesses, just like anybody else. The sooner you stop expecting a self absorbed family member to take an interest in your accomplishments, the happier you'll be. Ironically, taking the pressure off this family member will draw you closer together. This is because you will stop casting them in the role of villain.

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You're a multi-talented person who can adjust to virtually any situation. If you're looking for work, apply for a variety of jobs. You don't mind working indoors or outside, or operating as part of a team or being a free agent. The more open minded you are, the easier it will be to find a good position that pays well. People may not think much of your scattergun approach to finding a job, but you'll have the last laugh. Just keep filling out applications and keep your chin up.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Good boundaries are essential tools for your success. People have got into the habit of calling on you for help, no matter what time of the day or night. You have to put a stop to this. Don't answer the phone before and after certain times each day. Turn away those who are constantly sabotaging themselves through addictions and irresponsibility. Carve out some private time each day and don't let anyone intrude on your solitude. Even superheroes need rest.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You've always been impressed by people who have worked hard to achieve success. Getting an advanced degree, building something of lasting value, or running a successful business are all accomplishments that win favour with you. If you've been harbouring a similar dream, now is the time to chase it. Don't tell anybody else about your goal. You work best when people aren't breathing down your neck and asking about your progress every five minutes.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Letting go of the past is never easy for you, but it's essential to your emotional health. You're tired of harbouring resentments towards a former friend who took advantage of you when you were weak. This painful memory can be a catalyst for positive change. A bold visionary is being mocked for their unorthodox ideas. By rallying to their side, you'll make their critics look foolish and petty. You have a gift for intuiting people's Achilles heels.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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