
Try not to get preoccupied with insignificant details. It's more important to finish a project by its deadline than render a perfect performance. Nobody will take you to task if you make a few mistakes. It will be common knowledge you were operating under severe time constraints. A prominent person will admire your ability to work quickly. Don't be surprised when you're offered a plum position in their organisation. This will be a welcome opportunity for professional advancement.

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Someone with bad etiquette will have to be tolerated. Heaping shame on this boor for their lack of manners will reflect badly on you. Maintain a polite, dignified silence in the face of their terrible jokes and outrageous behaviour. Your discretion will win over the crowd. Someone who admires your grace under fire will express romantic interest in you. If you're single, you could find great happiness with this admirer. You have similar values. In addition, you both have great senses of humour.

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Don't bring your work home with you. Although you're wonderfully efficient in your job, you require different skills when dealing with friends and family. Be generous with your praise, resources and encouragement. Someone who is struggling needs moral support. Giving a lecture about personal responsibility will not help. Instead, lend a sympathetic ear. Ask questions. Picture things from the other person's point of view. A receptive attitude will strengthen your relationship.

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It's tempting to criticise a sloppy colleague. Resist this urge. You have a tendency to get personal when dealing with people who get under your skin. Such petty remarks will undermine your professional reputation. Instead, limit your feedback to three irrefutable corrections. Your remarks will impress your boss, who is always looking for team players. If you maintain this positive attitude, you'll soon get a promotion. Make it your mission to cultivate a productive, respectful work environment.

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Beware of being penny wise and pound foolish. Berating yourself for buying the occasional pack of gum will make you miserable. If you're going to improve your financial situation, you should put yourself on a budget that allows for occasional luxury purchases. Diverting a set percentage of your income automatically into a savings account can also help. It can also help if you land a more lucrative job. When this happens, resist the urge to raise your standard of living. This will result in tremendous savings.

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Presenting an image of perfection is exhausting. Don't be afraid to be flawed. Everybody is strong in some areas and weak in others. That's what makes the world an interesting place. If you can't perform certain tasks well, ask for help. This could open the door to a wonderful friendship. If you've recently entered an unfamiliar environment, be patient. You may be far behind the pack now, but you'll soon catch up. Keep practicing and try not to be self conscious.

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Excessive worry won't solve your problems. Instead of envisioning the worst case scenario, envision the best possible outcome. That way, you won't waste value time and energy on something that is out of your control. Even if you are forced to cope with a disaster, it will be a lot more benign than you expect. People will come to your rescue. You'll be able to commiserate with those who have encountered similar problems. The sooner you stop making a mountain out of a molehill, the better.

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Don't place too much importance on what friends think of your decisions. Nobody can live your life for you. If you're on an unusual path that gives you pleasure, continue on it. This will make you feel like an outsider at times, but at least you will be true to yourself. Someone who is impressed by your unconventional ideas will make some romantic overtures. It's flattering to be admired, but you're not in the mood to embark on a new relationship.

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Offer encouragement to those who are trying to impress you. Their efforts may not be up to your standards now, so be patient. Denigrating early efforts will cause a huge morale problem. It's better to praise the good parts of people's work and follow up with constructive criticism. You might even want to share some of your past struggles with the group. You can be quite an imposing figure to those who rely on you for guidance. Step off your pedestal.

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You have been given more responsibility than the rest of the group, which seems unfair. You're tired of being penalised for being the most capable member of the team. Instead of letting your resentment build, channel it into a plan of action. Ask your employer for a raise. It's only fair you are paid according to your contributions. If your request isn't granted, start looking elsewhere for a position. Plenty of companies would be eager to hire someone with your impressive skills.

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You won't get much assistance from loved ones. This is upsetting because you're always being asked to come to the rescue of others. Maybe this is a sign you should be pouring more energy into helping yourself. Abandon relationships and assignments that fill you with dread. Make time for the people and activities that bring you joy. It will be difficult to switch things, but it can be done with diligence. If anyone complains about your new priorities, you can silence them with a steely glare.

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You won't be able to see eye to eye with your partner. You have totally different perceptions of a given issue. Either you can agree to disagree or part ways forever. This is troubling, because there is a moral issue at stake. It's hard for you to respect someone who doesn't seem to care about injustice. Fortunately, friends are very supportive. If you have to break off this relationship, you'll get lots of help from friends and family. Lean on them when your resolve starts to falter.

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