
Technical difficulties abound so back up your computer, take your car in for a tune up, or get your vacuum repaired. Putting off such annoying tasks could turn a minor annoyance into a terrific expense. Make sure to keep your mobile charged in case you need to call for help. This isn't the best time to sign a legal document. Postpone this commitment until the weekend, when the stars will beam support your way. Meanwhile, you may want to hire a lawyer to review the fine print.

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It may be time to revise your budget. Unexpected expenses or a loss of income could force you to tighten your belt. Although you love luxury, you prize financial security enough to cut back your spending. Beware of getting pressured into a business deal that ultimately works against your interests in the long term. Bigger and better opportunities will come. It's just a matter of having faith in your abilities so don't negotiate from a position of weakness.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Adopting a know it all attitude could earn you some enemies. Be sure to defer to the other members of your team, even if you have more experience. This is especially true when it comes to close relationships. Just because you can perform certain jobs better than a business or romantic partner doesn't mean you should always do them. Give your friend a chance to hone their own skills. Don't offer advice, no matter how constructive you think you are being.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Don't waste valuable time daydreaming. You've got lots of work on your plate, and need to dispatch these duties as quickly as possible. If you don't, you'll create more work for your colleagues. That won't make you particularly popular at the office. If you are looking for a job, ask a friend, neighbour or sibling for help in updating your CV. This person can show you how to promote your achievements in the best possible light.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Turn a deaf ear to a friend's advice; although this person has your best interests at heart, she doesn't understand your needs. You've got to go your own way, even at the risk of disappointing your nearest and dearest. If you are suffering from a creative block, stop trying to force the ideas. Perform some mundane chore, like laundry or grocery shopping. Inspiration will strike when your conscious mind is occupied.

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You could get mixed messages from the powers that be. Don't do anything until you get a straight answer. It may be necessary to bring the warring parties together in order to straighten out this mess. In the meantime, ocupy yourself with small chores that have escaped your attention, like returning emails, organising paperwork, and making some phone calls. This way, nobody can accuse you of being lazy. It's not because you don't want to carry out your duties; you just can't under the circumstances.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Although you've amassed a lot of general information, you need to acquire some practical skills, too. That doesn't mean your previous schooling was a waste of time. It just means you're ready to take the next step. Don't hesitate to take a menial job as a means to make ends meet. This is only a temporary situation. The sacrifices you make now will seem relatively small in the long term. Keep meddling siblings, neighbours, and friends at a distance.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Be careful where you poke your nose, or you could uncover some information that you weren't supposed to see. Honour people's privacy the way you'd like your own to be protected. If you happen to stumble across some sensitive information by mistake, admit your error to the person who has been affected. Secrets will only lead to trouble. An honest conversation about joint finances will be tense, but it is necessary to keep your relationship afloat.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A difference of opinion could drive a wedge between you and a close friend. Instead of pressing the issue, give each other some breathing room. Disagreements like this are bound to happen, even when two people are as close and affectionate as you. You've got to learn how to live together despite your warring beliefs. If someone you love is suffering from health problems, you've got to be strong for them.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Concerns about work have been eating away at you. Maybe one of your colleagues is creating a toxic environment. Perhaps cutbacks have put everyone on edge. It's even possible you could be fired. Whatever the situation, you've got to remember there is more to your life than work. If your job has eclipsed everything else, it's time to turn back the tide. Devote more time and energy to your relationships.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A budding relationship could be interfering with your friendships. It's only natural you want to spend every waking moment with your amour. Unfortunately, everybody else in your life is starting to feel resentful. You've got to start living up to your responsibilities. Don't skip an important celebration, no matter what you've got planned. If you are single, resist the urge to flirt with a friend's former partner or you could put a permanent end to this relationship.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It's hard to think clearly right now. You've got so many conflicting emotions that you don't know which path to take. On one hand, you want to pursue an exciting career opportunity. On the other, your personal life demands attention. Ultimately, you'll have to sacrifice one area to supplement another. Don't make the mistake of doing the noble thing, or you will be filled with resentment later. The time has come to please yourself.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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