
Your relationship prospects take a turn for the better. You are in touch with your sensitive side and strong emotions facilitate your love-life and your friendships. It's a pleasure being around those you care for most. Your aim is to please everyone. You appreciate the support and encouragement a partner gives. Been feeling off colour lately? If so, your vitality picks up now.

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A friend or colleague is the beneficiary of your thoughtfulness; they wonder what they would do without you. Working relationships are favourably highlighted over the weeks ahead making it easy for you to get on well with business contacts. Watch for the chance to enter a professional partnership with someone you have always trusted. A merger based on respect and mutual support stands a good chance of being successful.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Your powers of self-expression are at a peak; be ready for some positive and stimulating interaction. You need to express yourself verbally as you step into a phase of increased communication and social dealings. Your partner and other loved-ones will benefit through your creative ideas. Original thinking coupled with sensitivity is likely to bring you happiness and success over the weeks ahead. Act on your ideas.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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The home-maker within bubbles to the surface. You won't settle for second best if trying to improve your domestic situation. Wanting the best doesn't mean you will walk away from a bargain. Bartering and negotiating the cost of home improvements will pay-off in your favour. Charitable instincts are strong today and this makes you fairly tolerant of any flaws an elderly loved one may possess!

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Relationships will give you a lot to ponder over as you sense some are subtly but surely changing. If recently you have neglected your partner, friends or other loved-ones, it is time to make amends. Increased contact and communication with people you haven't seen or spoken to for some time will be enlightening. You could be pleasantly surprised at the social and business offers that come your way.

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You need to exercise caution if thinking about making some big expenditures. Be sensible about how much you can and can't afford. There's a temptation to go overboard when financial decisions are based on emotions and not good sense. If and when temptation gets too strong, try counting your blessings and be glad for what you have, rather than yearn for the unobtainable. You should be noticing a distinct lessening of work tensions now.

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Update your wardrobe, treat yourself to something special and enhance your physical appeal with make-overs. Over the weeks ahead, you will be inspired to make the most of yourself and your personal appearance. Relationships benefit through your confidence and increased sensitivity. You are energetic, outgoing and sociable and will eagerly devote yourself to your one-and-only and to whatever makes your world go round.

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Developing your spiritual side makes you more confident about yourself and helps you build more wholesome relationships. In order for you to fully connect with life, the world and the people in it, you must first locate the radiance of your inner self. Meditation and exploring the buried recesses of your psyche over the weeks ahead will be both spiritually refreshing and help you appreciate who you are.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A yearning to help those less fortunate renews your sense of purpose. You feel passionate and dedicated to a goal you have set your heart on. Nothing can stop you from making it happen. Joining a campaign or crusade means you are doing something practical and beneficial for your fellow man. Your passion is contagious and friends too will feel inspired to do their bit for humanity.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You know you are good at your job; now is the time to make certain those who matter know it too. Being a success means a lot to you now. Even though you usually baulk at singing your own praises, this may be necessary in order to get ahead. Why not invite colleagues around tonight to talk about your plans for the future? It's a good time to work on relationships with those who might help you up the career ladder.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Contact with a loved-one at a distance stirs up a strong yearning to see them again. You could be surprised at the depth of your feelings. Plans for the weeks ahead are discussed with the emphasis on travel, mental interests and communications with others. It's a perfect day to book something you can look forward to especially if the journey is likely to be shared with friends or a partner.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You could meet with money-spinning opportunities over the weeks ahead but the accent is on investment not on spending. Take it easy otherwise you will get carried away with your clever ideas. Be sure to keep both feet on the ground. The prospects are good for increasing your income as it's wonderfully easy to make money now. Remember however: your aim should be to save and not to give in to an impulsive whim to spend!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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