
You've got all sorts of ideas for increasing your income, and how to put these plans into action. The ability to charm a mentor into financing one of your deals could come easily. Bringing a legal matter to a satisfactory conclusion is also favoured. You're in a great position to manipulate authority figures to your advantage. Just take care that you are working for a purpose that will bring the greatest good to everyone involved.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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A powerful sexual encounter could completely transform you. It's thrilling and a little frightening to experience this depth of passion. You're willing to take risks that you never have before. Fortunately, the object of your affection is eager to accept your invitation to love. If an old relationship isn't giving you the happiness and fulfilment you deserve, it may be time to break it off and pursue a new romance.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Your subconscious is working overtime; it may feel as though you're in a trance today. Resist the urge to overanalyse situations; you're better off obeying your instincts. A friendship could turn into a romance with very little encouragement. Suddenly, you're seeing an old pal in a whole new light. Don't be afraid to steer this relationship into uncharted waters. Adventure brings out the best in you.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Your dreams and desires have taken on a crystal-clear intensity; you know where you're going! Building the career you've always wanted is especially satisfying. You may find that your health takes a quantum leap forward once you start performing work that is meaningful to you. Suppress your financial fears, especially in the beginning stages. These anxieties are the only things that stand between you and success.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Your expansive vision goes over especially well with authority figures right now. This is an excellent time to pour your passion into a creative venture. Never mind if such an endeavour has never been tried before. Your pioneer spirit inspires faith in everybody you meet. Courting an elusive love interest may be easier than it has in the past. You've got a mysterious allure that draws lovers like moths to a flame.

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Expanding your horizons is an irresistible temptation that should be obeyed. There's never been a better time to apply to a university, study under a mentor, or assume an apprenticeship. Travelling abroad is also a distinct possibility. If you're looking for money to finance a trip, why not sublet your home? A golden opportunity to earn funds through your household could fall into your lap today.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You're probably preoccupied with big changes, thanks to exciting shifts in a relationship. Mysteriously, the barriers that existed between you and a loved one have dropped. Now you're facing each other truthfully, as you never have before. Whether this results in a stronger, more intimate bond or a friendly parting of the ways is up to you. Look inside yourself and ask what you really want from your love life.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You and a close associate can read each other's minds today, which allows you to forge a good agreement. If you've been contemplating signing a contract or taking on a partner, now is the time to do so. Your work load could be considerably lessened as a result of this alliance. It's also quite possible that you'll earn more money from this pairing, too. Could that be wedding bells you hear?

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Treating your body with the respect and love it deserves results in exciting breakthroughs. Make a point of getting a little exercise each day, and replace starchy foods with meals that are rich in protein and fibre. The results of your new regimen will be almost immediately noticeable. The attractive sparkle in your eye and spring in your step will draw exciting romantic opportunities your way. It's about time!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your creativity is soaring, and it's a pleasure to channel your energy in an artistic direction. Stretching your imagination will result in more flexibility in other areas of your life. Recently, you've been afraid to trust others. It will be easier to relinquish control over your relationships once you start freeing your mind. Don't be surprised if your domestic life takes on a kinder, gentler tone. Your family will love the brand new you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Emotional issues that once threatened to overwhelm you now seem manageable. That's because you've finally recognised your part in this complicated equation. By changing your attitude towards key people in your life, they will finally lose their control over you. Talking a friend into a short pleasure trip may be easier than you think. Don't waste time making complicated arrangements; just throw things in a bag and go!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A thirst for knowledge could prompt you to take a challenging series of classes. Don't worry about the money to finance such an undertaking. By taking bold action, the stars will reward your courage with a golden opportunity. In the meantime, think about what sorts of subjects could catapult you into a job you've always wanted. Switching career paths isn't out of the question on a magical day like today.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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