
Property deals and buying things at auctions could be good now. There's never been a better time to buy or sell a piece of property. If you feel like your current abode is too small, look for a bigger place. You could find a very comfortable residence that serves as a haven from the workaday world. Furnish and decorate it with pieces that appeal to your inner child. Are you happy where you live? A new relative or roommate could join your household. This will be a very welcome addition.

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Relationships with relatives, friends and neighbours will improve, especially if you extend an olive branch. If you've argued in the past, don't worry about who caused the problem. Focus on building healthier alliances instead. You will need all the support you can get from the people around you. Taking a class will draw luck like a magnet. The knowledge you acquire could serve as a springboard to a successful career. Alternatively, it could prompt you to take up a fulfilling hobby.

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Your income is about to increase dramatically, but hold on. Instead of going on a shopping spree, formulate a savings strategy. That way, you will have something to show for all of your money. Arrange for your bank to put a set percentage of your income into savings every pay period. This will serve as the deposit for a house or car. There will be a little money left over for travel, but your first priority should be to establish a firm foundation for you and your family.

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New opportunities will come your way. Be ready to grab them. You can't afford to rest on your laurels now. This is your time to shine. Gaining fame and acclaim in your desired industry is possible, provided you put your name out there. If you're an artist, go on auditions. Submit your written work to publications. Send your songs to talent scouts. Do whatever you can to showcase your work. The more upbeat your approach to life, the greater your success will be.

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Spending time on your own feels satisfying. You're no longer worried about what people think about you. You're content to develop your own tastes and opinions. People are a little intimated by your self sufficiency. They're starting to worry whether you will abandon them. Although you would never turn your back on friends, you may not seek their company as much. You'd rather devote your time to a practice that provides spiritual fulfilment. Tranquil activities like gardening, praying and painting will be therapeutic.

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Your social life is starting to expand. It's nice to be so popular. Take this opportunity to back away from work and have a little fun. Attending parties, going on holidays and hosting get togethers will give you lots of intellectual stimulation. It will also put you in touch with some important people in your community. Never underestimate the importance of good contacts. Right now, who you know is more important than what you know. Keep a supply of business cards on hand at all times.

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Career advancement is in the cards for you. Apply for a job that brings more money, prestige and power. You may not have any direct experience, but you will impress your would be employer. You've always been a fast learner and will have no problem acquiring skills. The important thing is to project an air of confidence. When you look and act like an executive, people will treat you accordingly. Running for office is another distinct possibility. You inspire faith in the public.

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Going back to the classroom will be both intellectually stimulating and emotionally satisfying. It's time to develop your raw talent. While you have accumulated lots of knowledge and practical skills over the years, you still need official certification. Getting a degree will allow you to play in the big leagues. It will also allow you to command a higher salary. Yes, there is a long journey ahead, but the trip will be worthwhile. The best things in life always require a little hard work and sacrifice.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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If you need money, apply for a loan, grant, or scholarship. Lending institutions will be very generous. You can also get a few credit cards, but you should be cautious with them. Running up a lot of debt will cause tremendous headaches in the future. You're better off putting money towards things that will bring you long term security, like a degree, house, or creative endeavour. If you play your cards right, an artistic or scientific project can earn big dividends long into the future.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Partnerships will become easier, all across the board. Instead of entering into power struggles, you'll be able to cooperate with both friends and enemies. It's especially nice to get support from your best friend or lover. The person closest to your heart will make a supreme sacrifice on your behalf. This gesture will make you realise just how lucky you really are. Take advantage of this generosity, but never forget it. Soon, you'll have an opportunity to repay this generous gift.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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This is a great time to look for a job. If you're not interested in switching employers, don't worry. Your current position is about to become a lot easier. Additional staff could lighten your work load, or improved equipment will save time. Business will be booming and you'll feel the benefit. Now that you won't be working so hard, take this opportunity to get in shape. Exercising, preparing healthy meals and getting more sleep will give you a very sexy glow.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Love is in the air and you're happy to breathe it in. If you're single, you will have your pick of several admirers. Choose the one who is nurturing, caring and attentive. Cool rebels may make your pulse pound, but they will also break your heart. Are you already in a relationship? The two of you may decide you will quit your job while your partner supports you. Use your time off to develop a creative project, like a book, film, or performance.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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