
A high risk day for pushing people around or your body to the limit, try a more laid back approach. Financial independence is an admirable goal; why not start the journey today? If you must choose between reducing your credit card debt and repaying folks, pick the latter. You'll feel much better when you've erased those personal obligations. Why be loyal to a faceless energy?

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Avoid anything or anyone that makes you a bundle of nerves the stakes are too high. A partnership is wearing on your time and energy - it's so tedious being accountable to others. Before burning your bridges, consider how this union helps your life. If the pros outweigh the cons, remain silent. However, if you do decide to break things off, do it in a forthright manner.

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Issue too many ultimatums and you might end up biting the hand that feeds you - take care. The gloves are officially off - it's want to tell some people exactly what you think of them, but hold fire a while. An all-out yelling match might prove incredibly cathartic but is it wise? Be fair and constructive but don't be vicious or unfair. Your reputation will survive, provided you tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

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Steer clear of rebellious people who want to drag you into their battles, stay neutral. Nothing is more frustrating than being too broke to pursue your dreams. Unfortunately, that seems to be your current situation. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, though. You can always take up a less expensive pastime until the money rolls back in. Either that, take a part-time job or cut down on supplying others with dough.

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A sour puss face will hardly do you or anyone else any favours, grin and bear it today. Breaking away from outmoded family traditions is always difficult, but you need to begin anyway. Please remember that your parents' needs are separate from your own. Furthermore, times have changed since you were their age. This alteration in attitude need not be a rejection of their values.

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Your health needs protecting not provoking so slow down and avoid vexatious people. Disturbing memories cause you to reassess your present circumstances. Going along with the crowd is starting to wear on your nerves. You want to live life on your own terms. Follow your heart, but be respectful of other people's philosophies. They are just as valid as your theories.

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Stash your cash away for a rainy day, don't give it away to someone who's always on the pull. A needy friend could impose on you once too often, and the results aren't pretty. Feel free to vent your anger. Suppressing your feelings will only lead to heartache. Once your pal sees that you will no longer tolerate their nonsense, they'll look for another victim. Give yourself a pat on the back.

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A wild day not one for the feint hearted Scorpio so avoid people or places that spell trouble. Staying focused on your goals is practically impossible, since you're not sure what they are any longer. That's difficult for a focused person like you. Stop beating yourself up and take a break. A little aimless wandering can actually be good for you. Enjoy an entire day with no structure.

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It's what's not said that matters so saying nothing until you know everything. Your lack of skills may be preventing you from finding the sort of job you need to be happy. Look around for a class that will get you acquainted with the latest technologies. You could make some great business contacts during your studies. Sometimes the smallest change yields the greatest results.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A person you meet is fun but very disruptive to your life so choose your new friends well. You're starting to come to terms with the fact that you have less money than you need to meet your goals. You have two choices: either lower your aims or increase your bank account. Don't discount the prospect of finding a higher paying job until you scour the market. A golden opportunity could be within reach.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You've had enough you're tempted to throw in the towel but if you do you'll regret it later. The old routine is boring you to distraction, but don't shake things up just yet. It's better to wait until you're thinking clearly. Right now, you're so impatient that you're likely to make some bad decisions, just out of sheer desperation. Arrange to do something pleasant at the end of the day. You need some relief.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Break downs, delays and problems means being patient and have Plan B at the ready for action. You're so set in your ways that you're reluctant to try anything new, and that's a mistake. Test out a person's theory as there could be something in it. You may find that it helps you push past a stubborn problem. You have to admit, your own methods aren't exactly working these days. Broaden your horizons but be sensible too.

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