
Resist the urge to be sarcastic with a colleague who is struggling with simple concepts. True, this person may not be as quick-witted as you are, but that's no reason to berate them. If they're really incompetent, they'll be replaced in due course. In the meantime, do your best to assist your co-worker through the rough spots. That way, you can get on with your duties without appearing uncooperative or unreasonable.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You've been blessed with considerable creative ability, and may have an opportunity to exercise it today. Joining a cultural or educational organisation will give you a platform on which to perform. A teacher could take notice of your work, and offer to display it at a meeting or fund-raiser. The important thing is to seek out places and people who have interests that are similar to yours. Wear something special to your first meeting.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Meditation and spiritual practices can bring about a sense of divine peace. Resist the urge to challenge family members who don't agree with your new rituals. They simply don't understand your needs. Fortunately, there's no need to advertise your routine. If anybody asks why you're looking so fantastic, you can respond with an enigmatic smile. This will add to your mystique, drawing admirers from every corner.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You're starting to see financial rewards from all of your hard work, and it's about time! Be sure to put a set amount of your income into savings. This will allow you to enjoy your money with greater pleasure. A reserved person like you has trouble buying things for themselves. By treating your wealth responsibly, it will be easier to enjoy small indulgences on a regular basis. After all, you're well worth the expense!

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You communicate your ideas effectively to the public, which wins you lots of favourable attention. Don't let subconscious fears about looking foolish undermine your presentation. Imagining that your audience is dressed in undergarments will help put you at ease. An unexpected expense could crop up quite suddenly. Don't panic; your income is steadily on the rise. Do yourself a favour by paying off this bill as quickly as possible.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Your optimistic outlook and strong self-confidence makes you a popular figure. Think big and reach for the Stars; it's the best way to take advantage of all the marvellous good fortune that is heading your way. Friends in high places could get you a job interview with a desired employer. Alternatively, you could get a chance to travel to an exotic land that has always captivated your imagination. Accept your luck with open arms.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You're being trusted with some pretty important work responsibilities, which is gratifying. It's nice to know your superiors have so much faith in you. Don't let nervous tension undermine your efforts. If you catch yourself tensing up, take a brisk walk or do some stretching exercises. Moving your body will stir up your creative juices, allowing you to find imaginative solutions to stubborn problems. Everything you touch will turn to gold!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Discussing intellectual subjects with close relatives and neighbours draws you closer together. Why restrict your conversations to pointless subjects like the weather when you could share ideas about religion, politics, and art? Granted, these topics can stir up controversy, but you've never shied away from a good argument. Besides, you could use a little stimulation. Host a lively dinner party to get the talk flowing.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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If you need a favour from an authority figure, now is the time to ask. A generous benefactor can provide you with the materials and opportunities you need to advance. Of course, you'll have to make some personal sacrifices for the short-term, but these will seem relatively insignificant as time goes on. Don't let a business or romantic partner discourage your ambitions. They're just afraid that you'll forget them once you've attained stardom.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Coming to the defence of a loved one will win you the reputation of being a romantic hero. You're never as attractive as when you're fighting for the rights of your nearest and dearest. If you're having problems with a partner, try having a heart-to-heart with them today and you will find out how they feel about what they are going through right now. Your sympathetic attitude will recapture the closeness you once enjoyed.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Impulsive, erratic spending could be putting a wedge between you and a loved one. If you owe money to somebody else, you have no business making extravagant purchases. Devote your energy to repaying this debt as quickly as possible. That way, you'll preserve your good name and avoid the wrath of your partner. Any financial upsets should be met with a philosophical attitude. Find a creative solution to this temporary problem.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Rebelling against an authority figure is tempting, but ultimately foolish. You're better off obeying the rules today. An elusive person like you hates being held fast by petty regulations, but consider what would happen if everybody was left to do whatever they pleased. Meet whatever obligations that are required of you, and spend your leisure time wisely. This will make you less resentful of the work you've been asked to perform.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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