
Trying to impose your belief system on others will backfire. You'll make much more progress by being an example for others to follow. By pouring your energy into a charitable effort, you'll impress the people you want to affect. You won't be completely successful. That's fine. Everyone has different priorities. The key is to pick your battles wisely. Most people don't change unless they have a life changing experience that challenges their fundamental assumptions. Until then, be polite but distant.

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You're tempted to get revenge on someone who overstepped their boundaries with you. Instead of feeding this negative energy, do something nice for yourself. Take the day off work and spend it doing things you love. Go for a spa treatment, cuddle your pet, visit a museum or walk through the park. Taking time for yourself is the best revenge. When you treat yourself well, others will follow suit. The next time you have to deal with them, tell them to back off in no uncertain terms.

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An inability to forgive is robbing you of energy. Releasing someone's power over you will be liberating. If it's not healthy to remain in a relationship with them, walk away. Chalk up this betrayal as a learning experience and vow to do better next time. You've always been open-minded and accepting. By being more discerning about the company you keep, you'll avoid situations like this. Assess on how their actions match their words. This will reveal everything you should know about them.

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When tasks become unbearable, you must change gear. Keeping your nose to the grindstone will result in burnout. Conserve your energy by taking time away from your labours. Get dressed up and make a public appearance. Whether you go to a party, fancy restaurant or concert, you'll have a wonderful time. Heads will turn when you make a dramatic entrance, reminding you of your considerable allure. There is more to you than the work you produce.

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What seems like an incredibly important issue now will seem irrelevant in a few months. Beware of putting too many demands on a romantic partner or cherished friend. Whilst it is true you are very busy, it's also true that your loved one has a lot on their plate. By being more considerate, you'll forge a stronger bond. Instead of squabbling over who has more work to do, arrange a special outing. Getting a change of scenery will increase your appreciation for each other.

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Hypersensitivity is undermining your professional progress. If you're going to get ahead, you must develop a thick skin. Be prepared to deal with criticism in a constructive way. Even a jealous rival has valuable lessons to teach. Instead of focusing like a laser on petty matters like work methodologies, you should concentrate on the big picture. When you see people using unorthodox methods, let them be. It's only a problem if they're not reaching their goals.

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Low self-confidence is keeping you from realising your potential. Your best friend, romantic or business partner is always trying to give you moral support. Instead of brushing away their compliments, let them sink into your soul. An opportunity to earn an advanced degree or travel abroad is beckoning. Instead of turning it away, seize this chance and don't let it go. You'll impress everyone with your wit, charm and intelligence. Get into the habit of counting your blessings.

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Clinging too tightly to money could stop further abundance from flowing into your life. Instead of adopting a fearful view of the future, picture yourself basking in wealth. When you feel prosperous, you become a money magnet. Get into the habit of giving thanks for all the blessings you enjoy, from food to shelter to clothing to running water. So many people would be eager to change positions with you. An unusual job offer is on the way; this marks an exciting turning point for you.

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Adopting an overly defensive position will result in lost opportunities. If someone challenges you, don't take it personally. Treat it as a chance to assert your position more forcefully. You've got bold plans that threaten conventional types. They'll try everything to undermine your ideas. What your rivals don't realise is that you have the power to defeat the opposition through sheer optimism. When the authorities see how excited you are to make changes, they'll jump on board with you.

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Worrying is pointless, since you can't control the future. Instead of imagining the worst-case scenario, assume everything will work to your advantage. What seems like a disappointing turn of events will actually protect you from a serious disaster. Look for the silver lining to every cloud that comes your way. Your loved ones will be very supportive. When your courage starts to falter, let your family and friends encourage and uphold you. It's all right to be vulnerable with those who love you.

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Don't rely on friends for favours. If you need help, you'll have to ask for it well in advance. A loved one won't be able to drop everything at the last minute for you. It's also possible someone who made a commitment to you will go back on their word. Whatever challenges you face, you have the power to meet them. Putting out a call for assistance on social media will be very effective. You'll be surprised when casual acquaintances come to your rescue.

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You will be passed over for a job or promotion, which is bitterly disappointing. Instead of dwelling on your resentment, put your energy to finding another position. Working as a free agent will be extremely profitable. Not only will you make lots of money, but you'll have the luxury of setting your own schedule. If there's anything you hate, it is being forced to look busy in an office environment. You fare much better when you can work at your own pace.

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