
Obey a desire to expand your horizons. Taking a trip around the world, earning an advanced degree or publishing a book are among the possibilities. Stop insisting it's impractical to take such a path. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. A legal matter will be decided in your favour. It will be a relief to turn your attention to more rewarding pursuits. Schedule a holiday involving lots of fun activities, like sports, creative pursuits and romantic outings.

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An inheritance, insurance refund or royalty payment allows you to indulge in some creature comforts. This would be a wonderful time to travel. Choose a destination that fills you with excitement. Experiencing a foreign culture will give you a new lease on life. A self-improvement project will be successful. You're ready to break bad habits that no longer serve you. Embarking on a heathier, happier lifestyle will bring immediate relief. Everyone will remark on the exciting change that's occurred.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Teaming up with someone who shares your value system will be empowering. Instead of trying to earn a fortune, you and your partner will be focused on having lots of fun. Wealth will come later. When you do what you love, the money will follow. This is a great time to sign a contract. You'll benefit from an agreement that satisfies both parties. Thanks to your mutual respect, you'll be able to produce work that is extremely profitable.

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The power of positive thinking can improve your health. If you're dealing with terrible pain, treat yourself to a hot bath or long nap. Turn your attention to the pleasant physical sensations you experience. Soon, annoyance will give way to relief. You'll get distinction from your work and service. People appreciate your enthusiastic attitude while carrying out duties. Customers, clients, patrons or patients can always rely on a smile and cheerful word from you. Your employer knows you're a star and may give you a raise.

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A lavish party will be lots of fun. You'll enjoy the opportunity to dress up for this special occasion. If you're single, you'll have your choice of admirers. Choose the one who makes you laugh. Do you have a partner? They'll be proud of you. This is also a good time to launch a creative project. You could win fame and acclaim for your work, which has a distinctive style. It will be fun having a loyal following of customers who pay handsomely for your work.

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You'll have a chance to move to a more spacious home. Be willing to explore properties in an up and coming neighbourhood. Living with neighbours from different cultures will be a pleasant surprise. You'll develop a taste for their artwork and cuisine. An interest in natural food will put you on the path to better health. Get into the habit of eating meals that are mainly compromised of fresh produce, lean proteins and whole grains. Your body will thank you for it.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Taking a short trip will be a nice change of pace. You've been blessed with a sharp intellect that needs continual stimulation. Doing the same thing day after day will dull your creative edge. Visit a nearby city that is famous for its cultural diversions. Someone will offer to teach you a valuable skill. At first, you'll be overwhelmed by all the information you will be expected to absorb. Don't throw in the towel. By trying to absorb a few facts each day, you'll eventually master the subject.

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You have excellent luck with financial matters. Making a small investment will pay off handsomely. You'll do especially well with a company that is located overseas. Are you overdue for a raise? Ask your boss for one. It will be hard to turn you down. Spending more time on the people and activities you value is important. If you're not happy with your job, look for one that you enjoy. It will be much easier to build a fortune when you enjoy what you're doing.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your optimism and enthusiasm attract luck at every turn. When you encounter obstacles, pretend like they don't exist. You'll quickly find solutions to your problems and speed across the finish line. It's a great time to look for a job, relationship or creative opportunity. Use your willpower to overcome obstacles that blocked your way in the past. Fears that once paralysed you will vanish into thin air. By staying focused on a goal, you will realise it in record time.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Solitary pursuits bring you lots of pleasure. It's nice to get away to a quiet retreat where you can hear yourself think. While you're at it, you might want to stay away from social media and turn off your mobile. Working for a large institution like a hospital, university or government agency can bring in more money. You'll welcome the prospect of a steady income, as well as a great benefits package. The skills you learn at this organisation will help you launch your own business later.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Being surrounded by optimistic friends brings out the best in you. You have some bold plans you'd like to put into action. Instead of discussing these ideas with a bunch of naysayers, seek out the upbeat members of your group. A cherished dream is within reach. If this vision is going to manifest itself in the material world, you must pretend like it's already in your life. Don't entertain thoughts of failure. The fastest way to achieve victory is to behave like a success.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Sharing your education and experience with others can boost your career. People enjoy learning from you. That's because you're a versatile instructor. When you see one method isn't working, you try another until you get the point across. Students appreciate your imaginative approach. You're eager to take on a new role with more responsibility. In the past, you were reluctant to assume a job with too much responsibility. Now you know you are up to the task. Having a challenging job will be rewarding emotionally and financially.

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