
If you don't take a break, you could make an unfortunate mistake. It's better to turn in a project late than force yourself past the breaking point. If anyone dares criticise your methods, give them a piece of your mind. You've been given more responsibility than any one person could handle. Normally, you have no problem doing the work of five people. This situation is beyond even your capabilities. Take comfort in the knowledge you've done the best you could.

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Jealousy will rear its ugly head in a romantic relationship. The two of you have very different values. When one of you spends time on an activity the other distains, trouble ensues. Stop mocking your partner's hobbies and friendships. It won't change their behaviour, but it will create resentment. If your lover is giving you grief about how you spend your time, set a boundary. Don't give up your favourite pursuits, as they feed your spirit and make you happy.

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Family quarrels will erupt when you offer your opinion. You're tired of being punished for having a different outlook on life. Maybe it's time to get some distance from your relatives. Becoming more independent will increase your confidence. It will also cause your kin to be more respectful. You've been given impressive gifts. Finding a way to profit from them will cause your stature to rise. Think about pursuing a career related to advertising, journalism, or teaching.

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It may be necessary to break a contract. You hate to go back on an agreement, but things have changed a great deal since you first entered into this bargain. If you have to pay a penalty, do so and move on. Onlookers will question your logic, but you don't owe them any explanations. You're a natural leader and can't be held fast by an oppressive executive who questions your every decision. Let this be the beginning of a new chapter for you.

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Excessive concern about material values will impede your progress. Instead of looking for ways to make more money, focus on enjoying what you have. Put yourself on a budget and enjoy the blessings you often take for granted. Instead of going on expensive outings, stay home with your nearest and dearest. Enjoy domestic pleasures like cooking meals with your family and playing board games with friends. You'll be surprised to find that luxury goods aren't critical to your happiness.

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It's important to take safety precautions. Wear your seat belt and any other protective clothing that's issued to you, even if you feel foolish doing so. You may have perfect command of machinery, but others aren't so skilled and you could fall victim to their carelessness or silliness. If you're dealing with important documentation or financial matters don't rely on others to do what they're supposed to do. Double check, then check again. The only person you can rely on is YOU.

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Be very careful whom you trust. Someone who is kind to your face is plotting behind your back. This is not the time to make confidences. If you need an outlet for your emotions, write in a diary. Keep this record under lock and key, where your enemies can never get access to it. This may seem like extreme advice, but you can't be too careful right now. There are only one or two spots opening for someone with your talent; the competition is fierce.

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The status quo is making you very unhappy. You long to challenge authority, but resist this urge with all of your might. The powers that be are looking for any excuse to punish rebels. If you are seen as a threat to the organisation, you will be ejected. You're better off biding your time and waiting for the current structure to collapse. When it does, you'll be ready to swoop in and take power. Until then, be patient, build a support network, and keep a low profile.

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The head of your organisation is weak, but beware of appearing too ambitious. You don't want to seem like an opportunist. Besides, it will take a long time before all the problems with this institution are resolved. Do you really want to all these heartaches and headaches? You're better off continuing in your current position, where you're safe and valued. Besides, your business or romantic partner needs you to perform jobs that require your unique skill.

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Don't be so quick to condemn somebody who disagrees with you. This colleague can be a valuable ally, for they can show you the flaws in your planning. It always helps to have someone to challenge your authority. You've seen the dangers of surrounding yourself with people who are too eager to please. By taking your opponent's objections into consideration, you'll protect yourself from danger. You'll also be able to finalise a big project you've been developing.

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Temptation will be placed in your path. Avoid falling prey to it, or your reputation will be harmed. It doesn't matter if everyone around you is cutting corners and taking advantage of a weak leader. If you join their ranks, you will be punished. It's only a matter of time. Be scrupulous about your behaviour, even if it leaves you open to ridicule. In time, the people who mocked you will wish they had followed your example.

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You'll have to practice tact and diplomacy, even when you have little respect for a rival. Expressing your true feelings will just deepen the divide between you. Do your best to see their strong points. Express appreciation for their contributions. Above all, don't be sarcastic. Onlookers will understand you are under a lot of pressure to make a success of this venture. They'll continue to have respect for you, even as you are forced to pay homage to someone who is inept at their job.

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