
Money is tight. This is a good time to craft a strategy for increasing your income. Whether you pursue a more lucrative line of work, cut back on unnecessary spending or downsize your lifestyle is immaterial. The important thing is to get more value for your cash. You have an unfortunate habit of making impulse purchases. The sooner you stop this behaviour, the more secure you will be. Get into the habit of waiting a full day before buying something that strikes your fancy.

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You have tremendous power and drive. Putting an idea into motion will be successful. That's because when you encounter obstacles, you will not be deterred. Instead, you become even more determined to reach your goal. If you've been developing a moneymaking deal, you'll see some progress. Attracting investors and getting a business loan will get things off on a promising note. Be frugal with whatever funds you receive. A responsible use of resources means more profits for you.

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If you are overwhelmed, retreat to a private corner. Turn off your mobile and stay away from social media. Cancel appointments and avoid lengthy conversations with chatty friends. By getting a few hours alone, you'll finally be able to dispatch a mountain of paperwork. You'll also be able to do some important research. If you're planning to make an expensive purchase, it's important to know your options. Finding the right model for your needs will help you make the most of your investment.

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Don't be insulted when someone who is much younger offers to teach you a skill. By allowing this teacher to take you under their wing, you'll learn a great deal. Expanding your knowledge will boost your confidence. It will become easier to apply for jobs that previously seemed out of reach. When you're given an assignment that you just can't do, don't be shy to ask for additional training. Learning should be a lifelong pursuit, not just something you do when you're in school or college.

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You make a good impression on other people. This is a good time to make a presentation. Don't gloss over the details. Lay out a step by step case for why your idea will work. When someone questions your assertions, don't get nervous. Instead, cite previous successful cases. By drawing on reliable sources, you'll convert even the strongest sceptics. Are you unemployed? Send out applications and go on job interviews. Volunteer work may lead to a permanent position.

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A business trip will be successful. That's because you're able to take a no nonsense approach to work. Instead of resorting to charm and inflated promises, you make a truthful presentation. This wins the confidence of potential clients. If you can't offer the generous terms a customer wants, make a counteroffer. Eventually, you'll reach a compromise that satisfies all parties. Don't feel pressured to seal a deal before you're ready. Taking a slow and steady pace will win this race.

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A romantic or business partner will get a big raise, thereby benefitting you. Use this windfall for practical things, like replacing your car or repairing a faulty plumbing system. Although you dearly love luxury items, this is not the time to indulge your vice. Don't worry; you'll have a chance to splash out on clothes, artwork and status symbols later. Right now, you should be focused on patching the holes in your infrastructure. Waiting will only cause a minor problem to grow into an expensive nightmare.

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Working with a partner will raise your professional profile. You're very good at solving problems, but lack the diplomatic skills to form helpful connections. Having someone on your team who is sociable and popular will be helpful. By allowing your other half to wheel and deal, you'll be free to do research and apply for grants. Together, you'll achieve a level of success neither of you could realise by going solo. Be willing to admit your weaknesses and capitalise on your strengths.

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The best way to improve your professional prospects is to do a great job with minor assignments. When your employer sees how hard you've been working, they'll give you bigger and better projects. Soon, you'll be given an impressive promotion. If there is no room for growth at your current company, cast a wider net. Look into rapidly growing fields that need skilled workers. Getting a license or diploma in this area will allow you to embark on an exciting new career path.

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You've always enjoyed working with your hands. Take some time out of your busy schedule to bake, garden or paint. Having a creative outlet makes it easier to cope with daily stress. Don't be surprised when it becomes much easier to talk to an annoying colleague or relative after exercising your imagination. Instead of getting drawn into the same old arguments, you'll devise a more effective way of dealing with this pest. Suddenly, you become a formidable opponent instead of a punch bag.

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This is a good time to tidy up around the house. Assign a place for everything you own. Get rid of any items you haven't used in over a year. You can divide these items into three categories: Sell, donate and discard. Take the sale items to a car boot and turn a handsome profit. Use these earnings to do some home improvements. Repair any broken items, upgrade a faulty appliance and invest in some new furniture. Having a comfortable domestic sphere will take the sting out of professional challenges.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Putting yourself on a regular schedule will make your productivity soar. You prefer going with the flow, but this caused important jobs to fall through the cracks. By devoting a few hours each day to tackle chores, you'll have more time for the activities you love. At first, adopting this new habit will be painful. You'll resent every moment you spend on getting groceries, tidying the house and catching up on correspondence. Give it a month. By then, this routine will become second nature.

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