
Draw on your spiritual strength to cope with a difficult family situation. A relative who keeps stirring the pot is crying for attention. You resent being pulled away from interesting activities to deal with these outbursts. A middle ground is possible. Instead of treating them like a pest, express an interest in them. Talk about their hopes, dreams and fears. Acknowledge their strengths and ask for their feedback. People who are treated with respect don't have to resort to outlandish behaviour.

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Being able to help friends gives you a sense of purpose. You enjoy being able to use your resources to benefit those who are struggling. Whether you offer words of encouragement, practical assistance or financial aid is immaterial. The important thing is to connect with people who share your values and priorities. When you're down, you will be able to count on your loved ones to lift you up. Trying to struggle through life alone isn't just difficult, it's limiting. Reach out.

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Working in a creative field brings out the best in you. You've been blessed with many different talents. Bringing them together at work makes you feel alive and engaged. If you're struggling in a dead end job, look for other opportunities. You could fare very well in an artistic field like film, fashion or dance. Alternatively, you might enjoy working for a humanitarian or charitable organisation. Using your imagination to raise funds for a good cause will be a welcome challenge.

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Exploring mystical subjects helps you cope with mundane problems. There's more to life than paying bills and meeting obligations. Devote part of each day to big questions about the Universe, the meaning of life and your personal destiny. These ideas will keep small struggles in their proper perspective. It will also become easier to do tiresome tasks when you feel there is a purpose behind them. Work can be a blessing, provided you always keep the big picture in mind.

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Someone who cares about your health will challenge you. You may feel defensive when confronted about your behaviour. Although you have a right to do as you please, it's important to consider the consequences of your behaviour. Your loved ones and colleagues are being harmed by a refusal to take care of yourself. If your stubborn attitude continues, these relationships will suffer. That may not seem like a big deal now, but it will when you need practical and emotional support.

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Resist the temptation to criticise someone who has a different skill set. Their strengths may derive from being impulsive and instinctual. Being asked to slow down and double check every angle will actually undermine their progress. You've developed work methods that are highly effective for your logical brain. Instead of imposing these ideas on your partner, praise their contributions. Show appreciation for things you couldn't possibly do and you'll pave the way for a stronger relationship.

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You have made it your mission to create a healthier workplace. It's difficult to be productive when everyone is back biting and complaining. Setting a gracious, respectful tone starts with one person: You. Fortunately, you're one of the few people everyone respects. This is because you've always been careful to show your appreciation. Instead of commanding the spotlight, you share it with others. When you see someone struggling, you offer to help.

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A romantic relationship makes you glow with pleasure. It feels wonderful to be cherished and needed. In the past, you gravitated towards people who took advantage of your vulnerability. You've learned from this experience. Going in a different direction has allowed you to connect with someone who wants to build you up, not tear you down. In return, you offer all the love you can muster, which is considerable. Are you single? Let a sympathetic relative set you up on a blind date.

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Home serves as a tranquil retreat. You've always been highly sociable, but it isn't healthy for you to be perpetually out on the town. Take this opportunity to rest, recuperate and reflect. Dealing with unresolved feelings is critical if you're going to repair a close relationship. Extend an olive branch to a relative with whom you've been fighting. This peace offering will be well received. When things are harmonious on the domestic front, you can handle any other challenge life throws your way.

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You may want to keep your hobbies private, especially from cynics. An industrious person like you needs an outlet from responsibility. Having hobbies makes you an interesting, well rounded person. Unfortunately, many people feel threatened by those who are passionate about things other than work. These malcontents dislike their own empty lives, so they mock people who seek fulfilment. You have better things to do with your time than discuss your private life with negative individuals. Continue to do what makes you happy while keeping pessimists at arm's length.

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You're a highly compassionate person who is motivated to help others. Making money is nice, but it isn't nearly as exciting as improving your community. If you're offered a job in a charitable organisation, take it. This position may not pay as much as a corporate job, but that won't matter. You'll feel well paid when the prospect of going to work fills you with excitement. Are you happy with your current career? Organise a fundraiser with your colleagues.

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Exercising your imagination keeps stress at bay. You love working with colours, textures and light. Creating an eye catching work of beauty feels good. You have a purpose in life. It is to uplift and inspire others. When you lose touch with the artistic part of your personality, you become tired and restless. That's why it's so important to do something innovative each day, whether it's drawing a picture or experimenting with different methods at work. Your brain is a muscle; it needs exercising.

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