
Getting a group project off the ground may be impossible. Everyone is stubbornly clinging to their opinions and refusing to listen to any other point of view. All this arguing is a waste of time and money. It may be better to do this job by yourself. People will critique your work afterward. Let negative remarks roll off your back. It's more important to complete this assignment than remain popular. At least you're willing to take responsibility for your decisions.

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It's difficult for you to keep up with the demands of your career. An irrational manager keeps changing their mind. You've grown tired of trying to satisfy their whims. Instead of remaining in this stressful situation, look for a better one. You have impressive skills. A company that appreciates your diligence, creativity and calm demeanour will offer you an impressive position. Doing public relations for this firm will be a great use of your talent. Let the difficulties you're experiencing act as a springboard to success.

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If you're denied admission to an organisation, club or company, stay calm. Although you seem like the perfect fit for this place, someone has been blocking your entry. Instead of trying to discover who has created this trouble, set a new goal. You might decide to form your own group or start a business. People who have been similarly rejected will find a place in your group. You're much more open-minded, recognising talent in unconventional type. Take this opportunity to challenge the status quo.

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Jealousy will rear its ugly head. If you're worried about your partner's loyalty, take a few deeps breath. It's possible your suspicions are totally unfounded. Instead of accusing them of cheating, give them the benefit of the doubt. Trust is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. Has your amour accused you of being unfaithful? Don't bother defending yourself. You shouldn't have to appease someone's fragile ego. Maintain friendships and activities that make you happy, even if this causes a breakup.

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Your partner is angry about your career success. They're not satisfied with playing a supporting role. Although you've encouraged them to pursue their dreams, they've failed to follow through with plans. That's not your fault. Take this opportunity to explore your feelings. Do you want to stay together or does the thought of going solo fill you with excitement? If you're thinking of breaking away, do it. Worrying about an unnecessarily jealous loved one is inhibiting your progress.

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A childish person's demands are wearing on your nerves. You're tired of trying to appease this immature colleague. Instead of ignoring their behaviour, report it. When people realise what a negative impact this pest has on the rest of the group, they'll spring into action. In the meantime, you'll be able to finish a project right before the deadline. Don't be surprised if you're given a bonus or award as thanks for your diligence. Your ability to stay calm under pressure is a precious asset.

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You're unwilling to compromise, which is unusual. Instead of catering to the demands of an erratic partner, you'll let them stew in their own juices. You have more important things to do than satisfy their whims. Your uncooperative attitude will come as a nasty surprise to your other half. At long last, they'll realise it's not a good idea to bully you. After some empty threats, they'll stop acting out and become a team player. Stick to your guns and hold them to their promises.

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An angry standoff creates stress. You're tired of being torn between your romantic partner and family. When relatives denigrate your amour, tell them to stop. Don't have anything to do with them until they treat your relationship with the respect it deserves. If your amour is undergoing difficulty with a health problem or addiction, stop telling unsympathetic people about it. Focus on getting the help they need. A government agency can point you to a group or facility that will help you both.

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Someone who insists on lording their knowledge over you is wearing on your nerves. It's time to tell this colleague what you think of their behaviour in no uncertain terms. You've been hired because you have valuable skills. People who downplay your contributions aren't worthy of your time and attention. Instead of waiting for praise that will never come, continue to do your job. Your boss will eventually see who is more valuable to the company. Hint: It won't be the person with an inflated opinion of themselves.

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Beware of burning your bridges at work. Although you don't like working for someone who looks down on you, this relationship has worked out pretty well for you. You've acquired some valuable skills from this expert. By paying your dues for a little longer, you'll be able to land any position you wish. Until then, stay calm and create some coping strategies. Give yourself periodic rewards for enduring this difficult situation. Splash out on a status symbol, holiday or enjoyable course. When you treat yourself well, others will follow your example.

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Trying to push a relative into a decision will be disastrous. You're dealing with someone who needs physical comfort. Forcing them into a situation where they'll be cold, tired or hungry for long periods of time will cause great resentment. It's better to go your separate ways. You think it's silly to let momentary hardships get in the way of personal growth. That's your prerogative. While you battle the elements for the sake of knowledge and experience, your loved one will be resting comfortably at home.

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Someone will try to manipulate you with a guilt trip. Don't take the bait. You've always been conscientious towards others. When you grant favours or give loans, it's because you want to do so. An irresponsible individual will complain that you treat others better than them. That's because you know your efforts aren't wasted on people who make good use of your assistance. You have no intention of wasting precious time and resources on a person who will squander them.

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