
Hesitate and you could miss out on a good opportunity. A scheme probably sounds too good to be true. A bargain buy for the home seems too much of a give-away and you feel there has got to be a catch. Often impulsiveness leads you into situations you could well do without. Today you're tempted to walk away from anything that's suspicious or ambiguous but you could later regret it. Just for a change my advice is: don't dither; go with your instincts.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Make the most of an offer or opportunity to develop your talents and expand lucrative sidelines. There will be encouragement from those who recognise your abilities but you also need to have faith in yourself. Being flexible and less rigid in your thinking will open your mind to new possibilities. You may have to reject some ideas but recognising the most valuable suggestions will lead to something constructive and worthwhile.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A barrier that has prevented a professional or private matter from moving forward disappears almost as if by magic. It would be modest to dismiss some occurrences as being down to chance as this rejects all the hard work you have put in previously. A favour you did for someone a while back rebounds on you today. A good turn is received which not only takes you by surprise but it could not have come at a more opportune moment!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Others are impressed with your achievements and you're in for a surprise. You'll be stunned by the tenacity and determination you put into your efforts today. A situation you have already met with and failed at before reoccurs. Only this time you are single-minded in your intention to succeed. It won't even cross your mind you might fail again. You are steadfast in your resolve to reach your goal and you could exceed your own expectations.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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The dilemma facing you today is: do you listen to your heart or is it better to pay attention to what your head is saying? Let your feelings rule and you will be going against common sense and rational judgement. Allow your head to have its own way and you'll feel you have made a big mistake. The logical answer would be to balance the two and you will act perceptively and practically.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Communication seems vague but there's a lot being said between the lines if you pay attention. If someone throws a number of clues, hints and insinuations your way, it will be up to you to put the pieces together and solve the riddle. There is a reason why people can't tell it all. Sooner or later they will explain. Meanwhile, you should rely on your intuition to decode the mystery.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A family secret is shared and you discover something quite fascinating about an elderly relative. An older person's decision will help undo a lot of the worry and uncertainty you've been feeling lately. This will take a load off your mind. Financial hold-ups disappear and you feel more able to plan optimistically for the future. Home, family and property interests take precedence in these plans as a practical yet cautious frame of mind prevails.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You may be faced with having to make important decisions and these could cause some upheaval in your family. You might wonder whether it will be worth the fuss. Change and new interests will bring happiness and a sense of tranquillity which has been missing from your life. Whatever plans you are working on now, don't let temporary misgivings hold you back. Whatever you do today, something good will come out of it.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Work, relatives, friends and money: these and other everyday considerations are uppermost in your mind. Your standing in your community is high and this will make you popular and in demand. The sterling work you are doing in a group enterprise will bring an unexpected offer your way. An older or more experienced colleague is working hard for you in your career, where your prestige is also very high. Business and pleasure blend nicely today.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Good news concerning money is likely to put you in high spirits and this will colour every moment of the day. Stay practical and take advantage of today's beneficial stars to decide and agree on matters of a long-term nature. Favourable relationships and harmonious communications will fix you with a glow of cheerful anticipation for the future. You might also enjoy surprising loved ones who never thought you could be so imaginative.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's a good day to take firm steps to make your life more challenging and exciting. You feel your world lacks stimulation; it's tempting to blame others or a lack of money or opportunity. Ultimately it is up to you to do something about it. Make other people aware of what you're capable of. Be ready to broaden your horizons and the finances or support needed to continue your efforts will appear at all the right moments.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Consider your private dreams and to rediscover your deepest hopes and wishes. You need to know your own mind before you can go after what you really want. If bored with your life the way it is, now is your chance to look into training schemes or the option of further education. Once you have set your sights on a special goal, you will put your all into attaining this. Today's efforts will be the first step of a mentally fulfilling journey.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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