
You don't have control over your external circumstances, but you can adjust your outlook. When you're confronted with a frustrating situation, don't go into a downward spiral. Instead, look for hidden advantages. If you're given a thankless job as an assistant, use your position to gather information on how your organisation works. By learning who wields true power in this institution, you'll be able to move out of a subordinate position and into a place of power. Operate by stealth.

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Your conscience has been nudging you to make a change. You've always been very conscientious about work. This has often caused you to put creative projects on the back burner. It's time to stop treating your artistic impulses as frivolous. By devoting more energy to the activities that make you happy, whether they involve making music, writing stories or painting pictures, you'll be much happier. If some duties and responsibilities fall through the cracks, so be it.

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Strong convictions should be obeyed. It may not work to your financial advantage to turn down a job. There are more important things than money. If you don't want to work for a company with an unethical reputation, obey your feelings. A better opportunity will arrive when you need it most. Making a living as a free agent is a distinct possibility for you. You're very good at crafting unique things to clients' needs. This bespoke, individually created merchandise could be the key to your financial freedom.

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Self-discipline will help you overcome an imposing obstacle. You're afraid to venture into unfamiliar territory. Instead of letting your fears dictate your actions, move with purpose towards a scary situation. With every step you take, you'll become bolder and bolder. By the time you reach your goal, you'll wonder why you were apprehensive. If you travel abroad, you'll be a hit with the locals. Thinking about going back to college? You'll take to studying like a duck to water.

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Teamwork is the name of the game. Working with someone who has a more detached attitude towards life will be productive. Instead of getting caught up in upsetting details, you'll be able to move past distractions. Delivering projects on time and under budget will cause your professional reputation to rise. Give credit where it is due. Thanks to them you're achieving a level of excellence not previously possible. It pays to join forces with someone whose strengths counterbalance your weaknesses.

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Don't neglect your spiritual needs. If you've been caught up in matters of money and status, take a few steps back from these concerns. Channel your energy into activities that make life meaningful. These pursuits can include anything from reading, writing and communing with nature. If you want to investigate the spiritual side of life, do it now. Feeling connected to a higher purpose will put worldly matters in their proper perspective. There is more to life than making money and getting ahead.

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Let mind over matter be your motto. Although the odds of achieving a goal seem impossibly long, you should go for it anyway. It doesn't matter whether you want to get into shape, transition to a more creative line of work or totally overhaul your lifestyle. The important thing is to treat your dream seriously. Take concrete steps to realise this aim. One action will lead to another, until your ambition is within arm's reach. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it.

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A happy home life is yours for the asking. It's simply a matter of following your heart. Cautious relatives will warn you against pursuing a seemingly unreliable line of work. They underestimate your iron will. When you decide to pursue a path, you will not waver from it. That's why it's important for you to pick a line of work that speaks to your soul. Doing a job simply to pay the bills won't cultivate success. If you're going to be successful, you must do what you love.

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A long forgotten memory will suddenly come to mind. This incident will alter the way you see a particular relative. Sometimes it takes time to understand someone's true motives. As a child, a family member's behaviour was utterly confusing. Now you're older, you see why this mysterious person acted in such extreme ways. Being armed with this information, you can make better choices for yourself. Avoiding addictive behaviours can keep you on the path to wellness.

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You'll be able to spin straw into gold. Your willpower is so strong that it cuts through obstacles like a light sabre. If you've been trying to make improvements to your community, you will achieve success. Your commanding personality sends officials scrambling. They've learned that defying you is an exercise in futility. Instead of blocking your efforts, they've started working with you. This is a smart strategy, as you have a way of making life very uncomfortable for anyone who opposes you.

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Trust your intuition about financial opportunities. A charitable or humanitarian organisation might pay less than a commercial company, but salary shouldn't be the only consideration in taking a job. Doing work that is emotionally satisfying is the kind of payment that keeps on giving. If you're happy with your current position, think about getting more heavily involved with a volunteer organisation in your spare time. It's important for you to have an outlet for your humanitarian instincts.

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Strive to be fair in all that you do. If you're forced to make a choice between a good friend and a stranger, don't let your feelings affect your decision. Evaluate who is truly best for the job. If you go with the outsider, your friendship will experience a period of strain. Be prepared to back up your choice with logical reasons. It's also possible your loved one will be the superior candidate for a job. When you're accused of playing favourites, carefully explain what factored into your decision making.

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