
A contentious relationship or contractual agreement will come to a close. Although you are relieved this situation has ended, you are wary about the future. Venturing into the world alone isn't easy, even for an independent person like you. Writing in a diary will clear your thoughts. Brisk exercise can also help. Try not to think too hard about the long term future. Instead, take one small step each day towards a happier, healthier life. You deserve to be loved, admired and appreciated.

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You won't be able to maintain impossible standards of perfection. A job with a tight deadline will force you to do the best you can with meagre resources. You're embarrassed to be linked with this work, but it can't be helped. Just focus on getting the work done as quickly as possible. A petty authority figure may mock your efforts. Maintain a dignified silence. Lashing out will only undermine your reputation. Don't worry. Your colleagues know the score and won't blame you at all.

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Hobbies and sports take a back seat to work. You've been having a great time, but duty calls. Attend to a financial matter you have been neglecting. It may be necessary to pay a penalty fee. If you think you're being unfairly charged, it will take several customer service calls to rectify the matter. Being more vigilant about money will make you more secure. Don't rely on anyone else to pay the bills or monitor your bank account.

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Relinquishing something that makes you feel secure is never easy. You won't have a choice in this matter. The sooner you resign yourself to this loss, the better. Becoming more self reliant is a necessary part of your growth process. Stop depending on your best friend, workplace colleagues or romantic partner to do things for you. Doing it yourself will cause your confidence to soar and open your eyes to new opportunities. Relocating to an area closer to your job will be challenging but rewarding.

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Disappointing news will reach your ears. It will take time to process it. You've had your heart set on a plan. Now this path is no longer open to you, it will be necessary to change gear. Give yourself a chance to recover from the shock. Take stock of your surroundings. Instead of launching another project, it may be better to spend some quality time with your nearest and dearest. After this prolonged period of rest, you will discover you already have everything you require to thrive.

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A source of income will dry up. This is alarming, because you equate money with security. This may be the Universe's way of forcing you to take more risks. You've been blessed with a keen intellect. Unfortunately, a dead end job has caused you to grow complacent. Once this position ends, you'll be forced to look for another position. Explore work involving the law, property or luxury goods. You will be a wonderful fit for a company that has been in business for generations.

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Your image will undergo a radical overhaul. You won't be able to link yourself with a certain person or organisation any longer. It feels like your status is dipping. That might be a good thing. Instead of defining yourself in terms of others, you should be establishing a reputation based on your accomplishments. Fortunately, you're extremely intelligent and creative. Use these skills to make a name in your desired industry. You don't need to ride on anyone's coattails to earn acclaim.

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Your privacy will be violated, which is upsetting. Someone owes you an apology, but you probably won't get one. Instead of dwelling on your anger, channel it into a creative project. Your enemy is counting on you to lash out. Seeking revenge will get you in trouble; do not obey destructive impulses. It's better to imagine the outcome through a story, piece of music or painting. In time, the person who betrayed you will get their just desserts. Bad karma is inescapable.

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You will be taken down on a notch in a group setting. Usually, you are viewed as the most talented person in the group. Someone with superior skills will usurp your crown. Try not to be jealous. You can continue to develop your gifts through further education or an internship. Alternatively, you might decide to venture into an entirely new area. Becoming an expert in this field will take time, money and patience, so prepare accordingly. Being a novice will be surprisingly refreshing.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A career path has become closed, which is very upsetting. It's time to stop identifying with your job. Developing other facets of your life will be challenging but rewarding. Instead of pouring all your energy into work, devote more time to your personal life. Form connections with friends, neighbours and relatives. There's no substitute for a strong support network. Jobs will come and go, but loving relationships can last forever. Remember this the next time you experience a setback at work.

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It will be necessary to perform some work that is beneath your skill set. This will be an excellent lesson in humility. The sooner you learn to give support to every level the organisation, the more valued you will be. Pulling rank just causes resentment. Everyone is stretched beyond a healthy capacity. You aren't any different. By putting your ego aside, you'll stop resenting the situation and have some fun. There are worse things in life than doing menial work.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Jealousy will rear its ugly head. You're no longer able to endure an oppressive relationship. Striking out in a new direction will be difficult. Friends won't be as supportive as you hoped. Try not to panic. Continue to reassure yourself you are doing the right thing. You always fare best when operating on instinct. If your gut is telling you a relationship is toxic, you must heed this warning. People who don't understand the truth of the situation can't be expected to sympathise.

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