
If you get an opportunity to work for a traditional company, take it. Although you prefer working as a free agent, always looking for work can be tiring. Staying with one employer will allow you to build up financial reserves. Your values are undergoing a change. The things you wanted in the past have lost their charm. That's bewildering. You prefer having goals clearly in mind. Give yourself a chance to discover what makes life meaningful now. Be willing to experiment.

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Recently, you've been avoiding groups. You prefer doing as you please. Getting involved with an artistic organisation won't require you to lose your identity. On the contrary, you'll be encouraged to develop your own style. Fellow members will encourage your growth. Avoid being impulsive about your appearance. Instead of reaching for what's relatively clean before venturing out, organise your outfit the night before. This will make your morning routine a lot more pleasant. You won't be prone to make mistakes when you're unhurried.

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Instead of isolating yourself from the world, become more involved with it. This could mean anything from volunteering for a charitable organisation to joining a book club to joining a political party. Exchanging ideas stimulates your intellect. Creative blocks will give way to inspiration. Trust your intuition when it comes to making major decisions. If you're faced with a radical change, you don't have to be nervous. Moving into a new situation could be just what the doctor ordered. Be guided by instinct, not logic.

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Your hopes and dreams have undergone some radical changes. You're not sure which direction to take. Instead of pushing yourself to make a choice, adopt a laid-back attitude. By remaining open to new ideas, an excellent plan will naturally develop. An interest in technology will prompt you to take a course or read some books. After working with a teacher or consulting a primer, you might be able to develop an invention. Alternatively, you could create an app that makes people's lives much easier.

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At long last, you'll be able to stay in one place for work. It will be a relief to operate out of one office or cease an endless round of business travel. Be willing to adopt a more practical approach to a big presentation. A desire for status and power will prompt you to develop your leadership skills. Don't let pride get in the way of negotiations. The sooner you learn how to meet people in the middle, the higher your star will rise.

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It may be necessary to postpone a long-distance trip. Although this setback is upsetting, it can't be helped. You must give yourself or a relative time to recover from an illness or flare-up. Treat this situation as an opportunity for personal growth. Your belief system is undergoing a transformation. You're becoming more compassionate towards certain groups and more loving toward yourself. This change will make you more attractive to abundance in all forms. Be willing to let go of judgements and forgive those who hurt you.

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Your partner's finances are stabilising, making it easier to spend money on appliances and other gadgets. Take this opportunity to buy something expensive that you will share. Finding a model that meets both of your needs will be easier than expected. Confronting a fear will be scary but rewarding. Stop avoiding situations or people because you had a series of bad experiences. By developing coping skills to overcome your concerns, you'll reach new heights. Job offers and creative opportunities will appear out of thin air.

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A partnership will be less demanding than it recently has been. You'll embrace the opportunity to focus on your own needs. Going on a solitary holiday or spa retreat will be therapeutic. Instead of worrying about your other half's comfort, you'll set your own pace. A business alliance involving art, luxury goods or property will be profitable. You'll be good at uncovering great deals while your other half takes care of day to day matters. Get ready to make more money than ever before.

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Your work routine will settle down. After a period of frenzied activity, it will be a relief to take a breath and adopt a more reasonable pace. If you're unemployed, it may be best to volunteer for a nonprofit organisation. Finding ways to be of service is strongly advised. Whether you're cleaning the cages at an animal shelter, delivering food to sick people or driving an elderly relative to medical appointments is unimportant. Find a way to shine light into the world.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You'll finally be able to settle into a creative routine. It will be a relief to make headway with a delayed project. Listening to upbeat music will let your ideas flow like a mighty river. Make art, rather than work, the priority. Listening to your heart will cause some health problems to subside. When you focus on activities you love, stress will subside. It will be easier for your body to thrive when it's not subjected by continual adrenaline rushes.

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Home life is beginning to settle down. If you must suspend an improvement project, so be it. Take this opportunity to assess the costs and find repair professionals who can work within your budget constraints. The peace and quiet will soothe everyone's nerves. A family relationship will be a profound source of comfort. When your courage falters, reach out to a relative who remains calm during storms. They'll give you advice that makes you immune to anxiety.

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Rather than going against the grain, try working with the group. You don't have to agree with everything to be a valued member of the community. Your flexibility allows you to stay true to your identity while working well with others. Talking to someone who shares your interests will be gratifying. You've always been highly creative. As a result, mainstream pursuits rarely excite your imagination. You'll feel validated by someone who shares your enjoyment of an edgy writer, artist or filmmaker.

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