
Don't assume you know all there is to know about a particular subject. Someone who is new to your social circle could have more experience in a certain area. By letting go of your ego, you could master these elusive lessons. If, however, you insist on pushing your agenda, you will lose the respect of your followers. Think of it this way: giving someone else control over the proceedings will allow you to relax.

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You've been remarkably self-reliant these past two weeks, but it's time to join forces with somebody else. It may take some time to adapt to this person's work style, but hang in there. Although you may have very different values, you can use these dissimilarities to your advantage. Be willing to divide work according to ability, not prestige. The seemingly thankless jobs could turn out to be the most rewarding ones.

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This month is rife with exciting opportunities for you, but don't forget the needs of a partner. Doing something considerate for a business associate or lover could put your relationship back on track. It's hard not to be self-absorbed at a time like this. However, if you spend more time listening than talking today, harmony will be restored. Put off personal plans for another day; you'll soon get another chance to carry them out.

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Attending to practical matters could give you a needed sense of structure again. Go through files, closets, and storage areas and get rid of any useless materials. Otherwise, you may feel so hazy and confused you're unable to carry out your duties in an organised way. You'll begin to set priorities once all the clutter is cleared away. Until then, let your primary purpose be creating an efficient work space.

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A fun-loving person like you needs to devote a lot of time to personal amusements. Unfortunately, you may not have had much opportunity to do so these past two weeks. Feel free to cancel any social commitments in favour of play time today. Hanging out with a child or lover could bring back your natural zest for life. You can't possibly be an asset to an organisation if you're miserable. Follow your bliss.

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Home responsibilities won't wait a minute longer; tear yourself away from work. Otherwise, a cherished friend or family member will be deeply hurt. Everybody knows that a person spends time on what they value. By continuing to neglect the ones you love, you will be sending a very unsavoury message. It doesn't matter how important your job is or how hectic the office has become. Let your personal life come first.

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New information that was previously kept from you could come to light. This could be an extremely frustrating situation, forcing you to rework a project that has taken a long time to prepare. Instead of fretting over all the wasted labour you performed, look for ways to enhance and improve your performance. Making a good impression on the powers-that-be will more than make up for all the extra work you've had to do.

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You've been awfully conscientious about your debts, but have you considered what you owe to yourself? Don't hesitate to pamper yourself today, even if it seems fiscally foolish. When you continue to deprive yourself of creature comforts, you tell your subconscious that you don't deserve care and consideration. Go for a luxurious massage or buy yourself a gorgeous spring outfit, and refuse to feel guilty.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Neglecting yourself for the sake of a loved one is beginning to wear thin. You've got to pull back from this self-sacrificing attitude and attend to your own needs. Feel free to see a movie that doesn't interest your partner, cook a favourite dish, or spend time on a solitary hobby. You don't need to justify your decisions to anybody. If a business or romantic partner takes offence, you need to adjust the power dynamic.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's time to deal with hidden resentments that are undermining your happiness. Although you want to be cooperative, there are certain arrangements that shouldn't be tolerated. Stand up to somebody who has been taking advantage of your good nature. Whether that means demanding more pay or refusing to take on more than your fair share is up to you. The important thing is to stand up for yourself.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your friends may have been pulling away from you recently, thinking you're too busy for company. Set the record straight by inviting a few of your best pals over for dinner or a game of cards. While it's true you've been preoccupied with personal matters, you haven't forgotten your buddies and sidekicks. If you're forced to make a decision between a date and a social outing, choose the latter.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You may have to pull yourself away from domestic delights in order to attend to professional problems. For the past two weeks, you've been able to pull away from work-related responsibilities with few repercussions. Today marks a whole new chapter, however. Deal with those little duties that have escaped your attention, and be sure to touch base with your boss. Otherwise, your reputation could suffer.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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