
Try not to sweat about the small stuff. If a nagging fear is weighing on your mind, channel your anxiety into a creative project. Writing a story or song will give you something more positive to think about. You're an incredibly brave person who will not be brought down by fear. The more coping strategies you have for dealing with this problem, the more empowered you will be. Don't be surprised if your artistic work attracts admirers. Your cutting edge sensibilities are popular with fellow visionaries.

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Surrounding yourself with offbeat characters cultivates your own creativity. You're a highly practical person who sometimes falls prey to dull routines. By spending time with adventurous people, you'll become more outgoing, too. The chance to visit a spiritual mecca will fall into your lap. You'll greatly enjoy connecting with a place that has deep meaning for people around the world. You might even be inspired to take up a religious practice as a result.

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Your public image is radically different from your private self. It's important for you to draw a firm boundary between work and play. In your professional life, you're creative, accommodating and compassionate. When you're at home, you're exacting, demanding and practical. Your dual nature can be confusing for people who see you in both spheres. Don't bother explaining your behaviour. Anyone who is really interested will take the trouble to embrace the contradiction.

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Expanding your creative talent will be lots of fun. Make sure to sign up for a course with a popular instructor as soon as possible. Spaces will fill quickly and you won't want to be left in the cold. Taking up music, painting or even a sport will be a wonderful release. Just because you're good at a particular medium does not mean you are a one trick pony. You are multi-talented but have to work to uncover hidden strengths. Stop selling yourself short.

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It's important to know your responsibility regarding credit card bills, taxes and insurance policies. If you skip a payment, you could be hit with a penalty fee. Alternatively, an important contract could be cancelled. Take a few moments to review all the measures you have in place to protect your finances. If you're living on the edge, it's time to correct the matter. Do what you can to pay down debt, increase savings and protect investments. Nobody else will do it for you.

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A close relationship has an idyllic quality that is hard to resist. Your best friend or romantic partner can be relied upon to support you at all times. That's a comforting feeling that gives you lots of confidence. If you've been thinking about starting an art project, do so. You'll get lots of help from your loved one. Collaborating will allow you to move past a stubborn creative block that has been dogging you for some time. Be open to experimenting with different techniques.

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A job that lets you assist others appeals to your compassionate nature. Although you love material security, you also have a keen social conscience. Using your knowledge to assist others in need causes your confidence to rise. If you've been looking for a job, seek employment at a government agency, house of worship or charitable institution. You can find a steady position. The work will be rewarding and enjoyable and you'll feel a strong kinship with your colleagues.

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Your romantic nature is more powerful than ever. If you have a crush on someone, ask them for a drink or meal. There's a good chance the object of your affection has been eager for you to make a move. Are you already in a serious relationship? Do something special for your amour. Buy them a gift that reflects their taste. If you're not sure what to get, ask their best friend for suggestions. This offering may not have any appeal for you, but it will delight your partner.

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Obey a strong desire to live by the water. You've always been restless. Being able to gaze at a pond, lake or river will have a soothing effect. Even installing a small table fountain in your household can be therapeutic. If you're tempted to relocate, take a few deep breaths. It may be better for you to go on a short trip than move to another area. Don't be afraid to set down roots. Having strong ties to your community will keep stress at bay.

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You're able to absorb information through osmosis. Being around knowledgeable people will help you acquire valuable skills. If you have a question, ask. A helpful relative or neighbour will be happy to show you the ropes. Developing your creative skills is strongly advised. You've always been very good at handling practical matters. Adopting a more imaginative approach to work will give you an added edge. The more abilities you possess, the greater your value will be to the job market.

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An opportunity to make money from a socially responsible business model will arrive. This job is perfectly tailored to your abilities. Being able to make the world a better place by providing valuable goods and services puts a smile on your face. Don't worry about adopting an unconventional model for this enterprise. Offering an alternative to the status quo will be wildly popular. There's a good chance you will be profiled in a magazine or newspaper. People are impressed by your innovative methods.

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You're highly impressionable. It's important to surround yourself with positive people who are very accomplished. Their influence will be significant. Stay away from pessimists who are always complaining. You don't want to get dragged down by these naysayers. By modelling your behaviour after people you admire, you'll go far. Don't be afraid to break off a relationship with a toxic individual. You're tired of being drained by their constant demands for attention.

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