
Someone might advise you to settle for stop gap solutions to a problem related to property or finances. It would not be sensible to follow their suggestions. You won't be happy in the future about having skirted around a matter which should be given your full and immediate attention. Even if it is costly to resolve, it will be worth it in the long run if you do a proper job.

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Be bold about what you want out of life now; your working life in particular. Ignore any worries you have of appearing boorish or unthinking. It's quite possible to get your own way through a mix of charm and diplomacy. If you suspect people aren't going to take some views seriously, you could make a more powerful case for your more ambitious schemes by considering them more fully now.

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You're starting to make firm plans for the future regarding travel or a holiday. This could mean changes are ahead. You're excited about these plans but you must not let your enthusiasm get out of hand. There will be some around you who are uncertain or nervous about what might lie in store due to today's discussions. They need time to get used to new ideas.

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This could be a highly productive time for joint affairs. You're starting to see the consequences of endeavours begun around four weeks ago. There's a slight danger of you getting too passionate in discussions with people who prefer to keep themselves at a distance. Even if you're keen to get your point across you must also respect those who prefer not to get so emotionally involved.

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If a job related matter is causing you a twinge of concern, spend time thinking calmly about the situation. Making a list of pros and cons should provide you with a workable solution. The good news is: you should see conditions improving within your career environment before too long. You might discover some problems aren't as big a threat as they first appeared.

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You are having fun with a group of friends but you know you can't continue to ignore your responsibilities. Even if you're thoroughly enjoying a new hobby or your associations with a club in your area, try not to commit yourself to future plans. It would be easy to give an impulsive response to suggestions put forward but you should leave your options open.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Even though your home life is pleasant and relaxing you are starting to feel restless and in need of some excitement. You might find your thoughts veering towards new romantic or social possibilities. Sharing your time with people you've recently met will enrich your pleasures. Getting out of the house or away from familiar surroundings will boost your energy and refresh your outlook on life.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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If there aren't enough hours in a day to do everything you need to do, surely there are chores that can be postponed? If you find yourself spending less time with a loved one due to other responsibilities you will start to upset the people you care for most. Keeping a balanced outlook on life will serve you well now.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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In important meetings and conferences, time can be wasted if others are allowed to waffle on. You should see the sense of cutting through all the flannel and getting straight to the heart of the matter. Just as you should encourage others to keep to the facts. A close and loving relationship might benefit from this direct approach during the closing hours of the day.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You might feel you're expending a lot of energy without accomplishing anything worth mentioning. If you can't get your head around a difficult task, why not switch to routine work that normally isn't a bother. You can always return to other matters later when you feel more in the mood to tackle them. A late night message is good news.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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New experiences in the future will make life exciting but you're going to have to be prepared to make some changes. Other people will get to see how single minded you can be once you get your teeth into something. You will grow more determined to do your own thing as the days progress. You will allow nothing and no one to tempt you to stray from your chosen path.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Take note of the lively ideas other people put forward You could be surprised at how much you enjoy yourself through sharing your thoughts, plans and dreams. Listening to another person's point of view could help you resolve your own difficult problems. It's a good day to think about making your home and family life more secure.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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