
Juicy secrets could come out into the open, causing emotions to run high. If you are confronted with some sensitive information, keep it quiet for as long as possible. You wouldn't want to be accused of being the one who circulated this rumour. Yes, this torrid titbit is probably true, but that doesn't mean you should spread it around. Consider how you would feel if your worst sins were brought before the public.

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Your social circle is changing in surprising ways, which can be quite upsetting. Friends who were close for many years could suddenly break apart. You don't have to get caught in the middle of this fight if you don't want to be. Simply refuse to take sides, even when you are pressed to do so. Eventually, the warring parties will back off and you will be left to associate with the people you love.

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Assuming a daring position could get you lots of favourable attention. It's rare to find somebody who is willing to speak their mind these days. If you take the risk of stating your honest opinion, you'll probably win a lot of supporters. It may be necessary that you'll have to master a new piece of equipment for your job. Never fear; you are a fast learner and should pick it up in no time.

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You may be forced to take an unexpected journey, which is a bit jarring. A homebody like you doesn't like to be torn away from familiar surroundings. If you try to make the best of this situation you'll have a splendid time. The opportunity to advance your career could come as a direct result of this trip. Have some business cards and CV's to hand, just in case you meet a powerful executive.

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Major changes to your financial situation will force you to make some last-minute adjustments. This can be unpleasant for a settled person like you. If you continue to cling to your established habits, though, you'll create serious problems. Do your best to manage your money in such a way that it gives you freedom to enjoy your favourite activities. Otherwise, your work will become a burden instead of a blessing.

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Old friendships could give way to new ones today, which is quite pleasant. You need plenty of intellectual stimulation to stay engaged in a relationship. An artistic, dreamy type could capture your fancy. There is plenty of romantic potential here, but don't embark on a relationship unless you're truly free and clear to do so. Otherwise, you could end up hurting somebody who has gained a permanent place in your heart.

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You could be handed duties that are utterly unfamiliar to you, which is a challenge. The less you panic, the better you'll do. Just remember you're only human, and therefore permitted to make mistakes. True, you want to make a good impression, but that's not always possible when you're swimming in foreign waters. A sympathetic boss will give you a helping hand if you're truly overwhelmed.

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An unusual, exciting romance could turn your life into a whirlwind today. It's easy to get swept off your feet by an eccentric artist. If you already have a partner, you may be watching this relationship blossom from the sidelines. If you're a direct participant, you could forget some pressing appointments. Be sure to check your social calendar before starting out with your new love interest, or chaos could ensue.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You may have to break away from the pack if you're going to be happy. Although you are grateful to friends and family for their support, there comes a time when you have to consult your own heart. If that means studying a religion that is different to theirs or embarking on an artistic career, so be it. Fortunately, you may encounter a dynamic young person who can help you achieve your goals.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It may be difficult for you to get sleep, as you're nervous about all the work you have to do. Duties have been piling up, and won't wait a minute longer. It's especially important for you to attend to housework. Being surrounded by clutter is fogging your brain. Tidy up the place, do the dishes, and tackle a few loads of laundry. This will make it easier for you to set priorities in other areas.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your financial situation is extremely erratic, which makes it hard to relax. Fortunately, you're not especially materialistic. By focusing your energy on spiritual pursuits, it will be easier to withstand any upsets you experience in the outside world. Ultimately, it's not how much money you make that matters. It's what you do with it that counts. Are you spending your funds on things that make you happy?

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You may completely reverse your position on a personal matter, which upsets your loved ones. These people aren't sure of what to expect from you today. Maybe that's because you're beginning to see the things you once held dear no longer matter so much. Instead of carrying out plans automatically, make a list of new things you'd like to try. Being focused will help stave off any unpredictable mood swings.

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