
A person in power could make you feel isolated and afraid after a tense encounter. This is an unusual experience for you, as you normally have no trouble standing up to bullies. This situation may be a little different, as staging a confrontation could have an adverse affect on others. Take out your frustrations in the gym. Better yet, find a better position that will allow you to express your talent without fear of reprisal.

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Money issues could be putting strain on a close relationship, which makes you worry. You're the type of person who needs financial security in order to feel comfortable. Material concerns probably don't bother your friend. If this association is going to continue, you'll have to explain your feelings in an open, honest way. Don't render any judgments about their attitudes; just state your needs plainly. A resolution is possible, provided you both compromise.

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Unfavourable publicity could result from an angry encounter. Normally, you're quite easy-going. Certain situations, however, can make your blood boil with rage. Somebody taking advantage of their power and position really makes you mad. Rather than confronting this person in a public setting, take them aside and let them know you disapprove of their behaviour. If their attitude persists, you should then take a more vocal stance.

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It's not a wise idea to discuss controversial subjects like religion and politics in mixed company. You may offend somebody's delicate sensibilities with your remarks. You're much better off asking questions about other people's beliefs. Being an attentive listener never fails to make a good impression. If you disagree with somebody's outlook, refrain from saying so. You'll get a more complete picture of this person once your relationship has a chance to develop.

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You're making changes, but a loved one is clinging stubbornly to their old ways. It's no wonder your relationship is suffering from strain. Resist the urge to pass judgment on the person in question. It's not your job to reform them; they've got to do that on their own. Focus on your own attempts to lead a happier, healthier lifestyle. If it means keeping a temporary distance from your friend, so be it.

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Someone you love could be trying to manipulate you into making a bad decision. As tempting as it is to keep the peace in your relationship, you'll have to go in a different direction. It doesn't mean your bond will be broken, but it may be damaged for a few days. Before you start feeling guilty, consider how unfair it is to be put in such a position. Act to satisfy your conscience.

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Problems at work could be preventing you from expressing yourself clearly. It's hard to communicate when you're afraid of being attacked. Rather than trying to build bridges, back off a little. Your withdrawal from the scene will cause others to wonder what happened. Normally, you're the one who finds diplomatic solutions to problems. When this doesn't happen today, your supporters will spring into action. Never fear; your bully will eventually come to justice.

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You've been having a great time lately, but your bank account is suffering as a result. Curb your spending accordingly, or you may fall short of some financial obligations. It's particularly hard to say 'no' to children who crave the latest toys and fads. However, by providing an example of restraint, your young friends will quickly follow suit. It's unrealistic to expect that your every desire will be met. Teach this lesson now.

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You may be hypersensitive to criticism, especially with regard to your creative work. Although your concepts do have merit, they may not be fully developed yet. Don't present them to the public until they're fleshed out. If you have an irresistible urge to share your thoughts, approach a trusted friend who has supported you in the past. Be prepared to take their constructive criticisms in the right spirit, however, or you'll damage this close bond.

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Beware of spending lots of time on the telephone or Internet, as these distractions are very tempting today. You're simply so overloaded with work that you'll find any excuse to avoid it. It will be easier to carry out your duties if you break them down into small, manageable tasks. Don't fall into the trap of thinking about the vast forest you have to traverse; just focus on the trees instead.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You may be so caught up in money worries you forget to count your more precious blessings. Yes, being financially stable can ease pressures in certain areas of your life, but they won't remove your problems entirely. Concentrate on all the things you have going for you, like your intelligence, friends, and natural curiosity. These talents will bring you prosperity, so long as you use them properly. Stop selling yourself short!

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It seems like authority figures are insensitive to your feelings, and that may be true. However, you must remember you've got a job to do. Getting lost in a sea of emotion will only make things worse. Focusing on your duties may even cause your sadness to subside. There's something really uplifting about putting in a productive day. Pause to have a cry in the bathroom if you need one, but stay on track.

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