
Domestic matters take on an increasingly sombre tone, and you may decide to move. Before packing your bag and leaving for parts unknown, do a little research. Make a list of all the things you want from a neighbourhood, whether it's good schools or convenient shopping or friendly people. The more precise you are, the easier it will be to find an ideal living situation. Don't be afraid to reclaim control over your life.

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Learning how to communicate more effectively is essential to your happiness. You're not a particularly expressive person, which can cause problems in your personal and professional relationships. Being more forthcoming about your expectations and desires takes practice. If you find one method doesn't work, try another. Ask a tactful friend to coach you on putting your feelings into words. You're about to embark on a profound learning experience.

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Money management issues will take on a strong importance for the next two years. If you don't have a savings account, open one now. Even the smallest deposit will grow over time. You have to start thinking about your financial future, as daunting as that sounds. Don't fall into the trap of thinking it's too late to begin saving now. The planets are poised to help you catch up.

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You may start thinking about the legacy you'd like to leave behind after you're gone. Some may call this train of thought morbid, but it's actually quite wise. Take responsibility for past mistakes and vow to do better. If this means spending more time with children or developing a creative talent, so be it. Your inner critic may tell you you've missed the boat, but don't listen. You can trigger a terrific personal transformation.

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Although you're quite gregarious by nature, spending more time by yourself seems like a good idea. You've been running around so much these past few years that you've hardly had time to look within. Today marks a prolonged period of introspection. Take advantage of it by meditating or praying on a daily basis. Cloistering yourself from the world's interruptions will give you fresh appreciation for the small blessings you often take for granted.

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Focusing on the community and world-at-large keeps you centred and sane. For the past two years, you've been putting the lion's share of energy into your career. Now you're starting to reap the rewards of this work, you can become more involved with humanitarian causes. Joining forces with a volunteer organisation will make you feel effective and strong. You're not as helpless as the media would have you believe.

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You may be required to follow some strict rules and regulations at work, which is daunting. What you may not realise is that by meeting these demands, you'll quickly rise up the ladder of success. The road ahead may be rocky and rough at times, but your final destination will be a happy place indeed. If you've been thinking about changing industries, do it now. Find a career that speaks to your heart.

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Going back to school to pursue a very demanding course of study could be in the cards. Challenges usually delight you, and the one before you will be particularly gratifying. Some may call your venture sheer folly, and try to dissuade you from giving up your current lifestyle. Pay no attention to these nay-sayers; they're simply intimidated by your ability to go after what you want, when you want to. Follow your dreams.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Coming to grips with other people's values could become increasingly difficult. Normally, you're the most open-minded person around. In these times of uncertainty, however, certain belief systems seem downright threatening. You must reconcile yourself to these differences so you can have harmonious relationships. Be very careful about lending money to others, as they may not have the same understanding about loans as you do. Get everything in writing.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Saturn, your ruling planet, places special emphasis on intimate relationships for the next two years. This means you should be very careful about the company you keep. Loved ones who are a drain on your emotional and physical energy should be kept at a distance. You need to align yourself with people who can shoulder their fair share of responsibility. Otherwise, you may find yourself doing the work of two people.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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The next two years present you with a marvellous opportunity to get in top physical condition. Seize this opportunity to sign up for a gym membership or launch a weight loss program. You'll feel a dramatic improvement once you start treating your body like a temple. Get regular medical check-ups during this period. Visiting the dentist is important, too, as you'll be smiling a great deal because your health is so good.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You can no longer afford to take your creative talents for granted. The next two years demand that you spend more time on the pursuits that speak to your heart. If that means cutting back your hours at work or going to art school, so be it. Child care could be a particular concern for you, as well. Set high standards for anyone who will be entrusted with your kids, and you'll see fabulous results.

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