
You're extremely sensitive today, which has its good and bad points. On the plus side, you're able to intuit the needs of a relative who is too shy to express their emotional pain. Stop pretending as though a difficult situation doesn't exist; it's not helping your domestic life one bit. Beware, however, of throwing money at the problem. You may feel tempted to dull your senses by buying lots of luxury items. That's no solution.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You could bump into an old friend at an unexpected place; it feels great to catch up with each other. Don't hesitate to apologise for something that has always weighed on your conscience. Once you get this issue out of the way, your relationship can pick up where it was suspended. Don't let praise go to your head today, or you could overestimate your abilities. When in doubt, it's better to be overly prepared.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Keeping busy helps distract you from nagging worries that have been playing on your mind. Actually, these fears have little basis in reality. You'll quickly realise that when your boss seeks you out for some special assignment. And although this work may be out of your normal realm of experience, you'll find it a refreshing change. Put any money you earn from this endeavour into a long-term savings account.

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You take great pleasure from your accomplishments, particularly in the creative realm. This is a wonderful time to work on an art project that has given you trouble in the past. The obstacles you once encountered may now seem trivial. Don't be surprised if a technique you learned as a child comes in handy today. Resist the urge to attend a social event that will take you away from your work. Distractions will only delay your progress.

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Working through personal problems gives you a greater sense of control. Your career may be a particular source of frustration. It's possible your superiors are treating your efforts as though they are all style and no substance. By volunteering for less savoury assignments, you'll establish yourself as a hard worker. Teaming up with a colleague who is famous for their unorthodox approach may be a wise idea.

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Don't fall prey to an attractive expert who is telling you everything you want to hear. The truth of the situation may be more unpleasant than this person is representing. Approach a watchdog organisation or a research group for the facts and figures you seek. Such a group won't have a vested interest in lulling you into a false sense of security. Don't worry about what you will find; it's better to have an accurate picture.

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You crave financial security, but sometimes have difficulty conserving your financial resources. There are just so many beautiful temptations in shop windows right now. Instead of maxing out your credit cards, why not channel your energy into getting a promotion? This will help you afford the luxuries you want without going into debt. Consider taking some quirky assignments as a means to advance your career. Venturing off the beaten path may prove profitable.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Stop asking what you can do to make yourself more attractive to others. You're better off casting a critical eye at the people around you. Stick close to serious, established types who have worked hard to achieve greatness. These people will appreciate your inner beauty far more than the superficial sorts you've been courting. A child's surprising observation gives you plenty of food for thought. Don't take this comment lightly.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Don't let your preoccupation with your inner world cause you to neglect your surroundings. Tidying up your home or office will help readjust your focus. It's especially important to pay any bills that have been piling up; you wouldn't want to be charged with late fees. Pleasant news about your family could cause you to perk up, too. Be sure to congratulate a relative who has experienced a wondrous stroke of luck.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Worrying about how you look could ruin your enjoyment of a perfectly fun social gathering. You'll be less self-conscious once you abandon yourself to merriment. An inspiring conversation could prompt you to take an unusual risk of some kind. You will definitely benefit from venturing into unorthodox territory. The emotional reassurance you need from a partner is forthcoming. Plan a romantic getaway for just the two of you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You can't take the same liberties in the work place you do at home. Avoid trouble by adjusting your behaviour accordingly. If you're looking for a job, try someplace that offers basic training. You won't have to stay in this position for long, but the experience you gain will be invaluable. Others will be surprised by your choice of work. Let them guess at your motivations; you've always loved stirring up controversy.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't let pleasant diversions interfere with bigger plans, or you could come to regret it. There remains lots of work to be done. By keeping your nose to the grindstone, you'll emerge victorious from this struggle. That may mean turning down some party invitations and keeping an irregular schedule. Explain to friends you're not snubbing them; you're just trying to put the finishing touches on an old project. They'll understand.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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