
Keep things light. Attend to business tomorrow. Your personal life should command your attention now. If you're inspired to get a makeover, go for it. You'll be delighted by the results. Have you been flirting with a person who recently entered your social circle? Ask for a date. You'll have a wonderful time getting to know each other. At times, you'll feel guilty about neglecting your work duties. Don't beat yourself up for having fun. Happiness is integral to your professional success.

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You're worried about gaps in your education. Don't beat yourself up for lacking information. If you're willing to learn, you'll continue to fulfil your potential. Studying on your own can be rewarding. Visit the library and pick out books and study materials for beginners. You'll quickly develop an appreciation for a subject that was once mystifying. After you've grasped the basics, you may be inspired to sign up for an intermediate course. This could be the beginning of a new career path for you.

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Heavy expenses are affecting your social life. Put a temporary hold on expensive restaurants and clubs. You can still have a marvellous time with friends. Host a movie marathon. Invite friends to bring a dish for dinner. Play board games. Simple pleasures will have a special resonance. It's nice to know you can be completely content without much money in the bank. Your finances will improve once you pay off a big debt. Stay positive and surround yourself with optimistic people. When your energy is high, you become a money magnet.

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Your romantic or business partner isn't being very encouraging of your career goals. It's possible they're jealous of your ability. If you land an impressive position, they'll feel diminished. Do your best to assure your other half of your respect and loyalty. You're not the type to abandon friends when your life changes. Have the courage of your convictions and present bold ideas during a job interview. Those you work with are impressed with your innovative outlook. If you can't get your desired salary, ask to work from home.

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Work is beginning to wear your down. Instead of maintaining this mechanical base, take a break. Enjoying a few days off will adjust your perspective. You might decide to cut back your hours or find a less demanding job. A potential partner may hear of the perfect position for you. Opportunities involving art and leisure are especially promising. It will be a relief dealing with customers who are seeking to enhance their life through beauty and amusement. Stop associating employment with drudgery.

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There's no reason to stay in a relationship that feels more like a burden than a blessing. Going solo will make you feel like you are flying. Take advantage of your independence by taking a solitary trip. Visiting a cutting-edge city will be inspiring. Don't be surprised when you feel compelled to write a screenplay, compose some music or create some designs. Nothing suppresses your artistic side like being with someone who dampens your spirit. Get rid of this excess baggage; it's robbing you of joy.

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Domestic obligations are weighing on your mind. Instead of dwelling on your list of chores, enjoy a night out with your favourite person. Trying a new restaurant, taking in a movie or going to a concert will revive you. You're a highly creative person who needs lots of sensual stimulation. When you're deprived of your favourite things, you become angry and resentful. This makes a bad situation worse. If you want to serve your family well, put your own needs first. This sounds counterintuitive, but it really works.

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Disappointing news about work makes you reconsider your options. Staying with an unappreciative employer will lead to greater unhappiness. Strike out for greener pastures. A former colleague may hear of a position that seems tailor made for you. Any job that forces you to think on your feet has promise. You're not the type who enjoys continually performing the same tasks. Your new employer will be impressed by your poise and focus, giving you a promotion within weeks. Stranger things have happened.

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Money is tight, but that won't stop you from having fun. You could earn prize money by participating in a game or competition. When you feel financial pressure, you tend to become more focused and precise. That's why doors often open when you are in a tight spot. If you've been toiling away with little reward, you might even quit a steady job and take a quick break. Your loved ones will wring their hands and predict disaster, but you'll laugh at their concern. That's because you trust your intuition.

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Don't discourage a relative from trying something new. Your family member is right to pursue their dreams. Even if their chances for success are small, you should still urge them to follow their heart. If they fall short of their goal, they'll still have the satisfaction of trying. If they exceed these expectations, they'll share their good fortune with everyone. Ignore your concerns and offer encouragement. You may not realise it, but your opinion means a great deal to your nearest and dearest.

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Lately, you've been feeling isolated. Push past your sadness and reach out to friends. If you've broken ties with a social group, join another. Take a course, attend a meeting or get involved with a volunteer organisation. When you mix with people who share your interests, you'll start to feel normal. Instead of being self-conscious about your quirks, you'll embrace them. Be proud of your unique sensibilities. They make you a fascinating person who attracts similarly extraordinary friends. Normal is boring.

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Keep away from people who like putting you down. Although these associates may be highly accomplished, that doesn't diminish your own achievements. You have the potential to radically improve your income. This can't happen if you're always hearing belittling comments. It isn't necessary to make a dramatic exit from your social circle. Simply walk away and let phone calls go to voice mail. Pour your energy into finding a great job. A position at a cutting-edge company will suit you beautifully.

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