
Imposing your beliefs on others is an exercise in futility. Think about how you feel when people try converting you. Aren't you resentful and angry? Don't fall into the same trap. If you have trouble with another person's ideology, keep it to yourself. Nothing you say will change their mind. The best way to inspire others is to be an embodiment of your philosophy. Shows of kindness, compassion and mercy make a terrific impression. Anyone wanting to adopt your beliefs will come forward and ask questions.

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A desire for revenge is overwhelming. You must resist the temptation to hurt someone who has done you a disservice. If you are caught, you could run into legal trouble. Being charged with a crime can affect your work and social projects. It seems terribly unfair to let a manipulator get away with terrible behaviour. Remember the concept of karma. The Universe has a way of tripping up those who generate toxic energy. Let justice take its rightful course. It's out of your hands.

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Putting too much pressure on a loved one will cause your relationship to fall apart at the seams. If this friendship is going to survive, you have to find outside help. That may mean hiring an assistant to attend to personal tasks. You might also want to enlist the aid of a cleaning service to keep your household tidy. There's no reason your loved one should run themselves ragged trying to please you. Instead of treating them as a beast of burden, view them as an equal.

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You have too much responsibility on your plate. It's time to divest yourself of some duties. If certain jobs fall through the cracks, so be it. You only have one pair of hands. An overbearing authority figure needs to come to terms with the truth of the situation. Hiring more staff is critical to the operation's success. Trying to exist on a shoestring budget is an exercise in futility. People must be properly compensated and supported to put forth their best efforts.

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Don't be too bossy with loved ones. Younger people need an opportunity to make mistakes. Step aside when they want to assert their independence or try something new. If they do meet with disaster, you can serve as an emotional support system. Are you consumed by jealousy in a romantic relationship? Stop cross examining your partner. Turn your focus inward instead. Why are you so insecure? What can you do to adopt a more trusting attitude?

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You're a little more sensitive than usual. If someone makes a joke at your expense, try not to lash out. Take a few deep breaths and find out what's really going on. There's a good chance this joker has great affection for you. Teasing can be an expression of love. Accepting such remarks in a spirit of fun will win the admiration of others. People who have a good sense of humour about themselves often have successful relationships. Take this opportunity to join their ranks.

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You must let down your guard if you're going to make new friends. It's hard not to be suspicious, given a disappointing experience. Don't let manipulator spoil your social life. While you should always take sensible measures to protect yourself, that doesn't mean keeping all outsiders at arms' length. A newcomer to the community is longing to see a friendly face. Go over with a cake and introduce yourself. It's important to be on good terms with your neighbours.

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Putting too much emphasis on wealth will undermine relationships. Some of your most precious friends have very little money. Casting them from your midst would be a terrible mistake. At times, you'll be called upon to cover their expenses. Do what you can. You may not realise it, but you're getting valuable things from these alliances. Spending time with people who aren't obsessed with wealth can be liberating. Your loved ones are living proof you don't need lots of cash to be happy.

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If you always expect opposition from others, you will be sure to find it. Assume a more charitable attitude towards others. You can bring people around to your way of thinking as long as you are persuasive and friendly. Adopting an extreme position will drive people away in droves. Cultivate diplomacy. Take your cues from a Libra who is popular with everyone. You must build a coalition. This can't happen if you are always kicking hornet nests. Don't be afraid to compromise from time to time.

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Living in the past will make you miserable. There are great things ahead if you choose to look for them. If you've been released from your job, take heart. You'll have an opportunity to find a position that gives you more time for a rewarding personal life. Stop defining yourself by the work you perform. Build an identity based on your values instead. Jobs will come and go, but your beliefs will remain constant. You'll be surprised how happy you can be after accepting a low level assignment.

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Be sensitive to a friend's emotions. Someone who has experienced terrible luck should be treated with kid gloves. Everybody reacts to shock differently. If you know someone who has withdrawn from society, pay a friendly call. Respect their boundaries and express concern over their welfare. You may feel snubbed, but try not to take rude behaviour personally. It's probably the product of extreme sorrow. Nobody behaves their best after experiencing shock. Cut your loved one a little slack.

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Unscrupulous methods for accumulating influence and power should be avoided. Although it's tempting to take shortcuts, they will inevitably hurt you in the end. You can't play fast and loose with your professional reputation. If you made a mistake, admit it and do everything in your power to make restitution to those affected. Denying your involvement or passing the buck will make others distrustful. When you make a promise, you should uphold it, even at great personal cost.

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