
Your charisma is very powerful. It will be difficult for a loving partner to keep their hands off you. Sneak away from Christmas festivities to enjoy intimate moments together. This is a time to celebrate your love. If you're single, take this opportunity to connect with your favourite people. Usually, you're working at a mile a minute. This sometimes causes you to neglect your personal life. This is your chance to remedy the situation. Slow down and enjoy some festive cheer.

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Working as a team is critical to your success. Stop feeling like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. There's a loving person who can be called upon for help. Delegate some of your responsibilities to your best friend, romantic partner or favourite relative. Nobody is expecting perfection of you. Instead, they simply want your company. Resist the temptation to stay hidden in the kitchen while everyone else is having fun. Let the washing up wait.

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Christmas is filled with lots of stimulating projects you enjoy. It's fun finding ways to help make the group comfortable. If you're hosting a party, it will seem like you're simultaneously spinning several plates. Not a single dish will fall, thanks to your impressive ability to multitask. If you're a guest in someone's home, offer to help the host with errands. It doesn't really matter whether you're chopping vegetables, setting the table or wrapping gifts. You'll simply enjoy being of use.

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Love is in the air. Let your partner shower you with affection. Normally, you're the one who works hard to make others feel comfortable. Now you have a chance to put up your feet and let down your hair. Resist the temptation to correct relatives who aren't doing jobs to your satisfaction. The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be for everyone to come together in a spirit of fun. If you're single, let a relative set you up on a blind date. You won't be sorry.

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There will be a last-minute surge of energy as preparations for Christmas are made. It doesn't matter whether you're making food, tidying rooms or wrapping gifts. Treat these tasks as labours of love. Play festive music while you work. Get other members of the family involved. Always keep the big picture in mind. Christmas is a time to break out of the old routine and embrace all the blessings you enjoy. When things go wrong, laugh off your disappointment. Don't sweat the small stuff.

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Filling in the gaps of your knowledge will be lots of fun. You've been blessed with a sharp intellect. Exercising it gives you an attractive glow that's hard to resist. There's a strong possibility you'll fall in love with a fellow student. Not only will you enjoy studying together, but you'll treat each other as friendly competitors. Being motivated to work harder will yield impressive results. If you're already with a partner, accept their generous offers of help as you pour your energy into a new project for the new year.

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Feed a desire to improve your income. Acquiring specialised skills will give you a greater measure of control over your career. Think carefully about what kind of work make you excited to wake up in the morning. If you're happy with your current position, take this opportunity to ask for a raise or increase your fees. Starting the New Year with a bigger salary will be empowering. This victory will lead to a series of others. You are gaining momentum; enjoy the move up the ladder to success.

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A burst of energy prompts you to make more time for the activities you love. This is a wonderful time to return to a stalled art project. Writing, painting and playing music are all things that will lift your spirits. So will restoring antique furniture or plotting a flower garden. Indulge your desire for beauty. If you've been looking for love, this is a great time to find it. You could meet someone special at a spiritual or cultural event.

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Working behind the scenes is a welcome diversion from Christmas stress. Find a way to be useful, whether this means tidying up or playing with bored children or preparing food. Keeping out of the limelight will allow you to avoid tense confrontations. A toxic relative who is looking for a fight won't get one from you. Imagine yourself being surrounded by a powerful force field that deflects negative energy. When you don't give a troublemaker satisfaction, they'll turn their attention elsewhere.

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Being able to focus fully on your social life will be joyous. Work always becomes busy for you at Christmas. Now you have a few days off, you should take full advantage of them. Attend a few parties, eat delicious food and have some gossipy conversation with friends. If someone proposes a late-night outing, agree to go. This change of pace will prompt you to make some important changes. Make having fun a greater priority in the New Year.

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Loved ones are taking their cues from you. You've always had a knack for getting along with people from all walks of life. This ability will make a Christmas gathering extremely pleasant. Set some firm ground rules. Don't allow guests to discuss religion, politics and sensitive issues. When someone's feelings are hurt, be quick to offer words of kind reassurance. You have the power to set the tone for a respectful, loving experience. If someone keeps making trouble, quietly ask them to leave.

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Integrating different traditions into your Christmas festivities will be gratefully received. Several new members of your family or social set feel uneasy. They're not sure how they will fit in to the group. By learning how they celebrate, you can create a festive gathering that brings everyone together in a spirit of harmony. If you're serving a big meal, ask guests about their dietary needs. Having some vegetarian or gluten free dishes on the table will turn a potentially tense situation into a delectable feast.

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