
Powerful desires cause you to let down your defences. It's difficult for you to be vulnerable to others. You'd rather be in control at all times. Unfortunately, this attitude can keep you from enjoying intimacy. Opening your heart will allow you to experience a type of love you only thought existed in fiction. Stop pushing away someone who has shown their loyalty. Tell them your hopes, dreams and fears and ask about theirs. Talk about building a future together.

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Sticking to a familiar ritual gives you confidence. Be willing to work with someone who has a more slapdash approach. You make a good team when you divide the work according to your abilities. You're good at gathering materials, prioritising tasks and maintaining standards. Your partner will be better at solving problems, conserving resources and trouble shooting. Together, you make a terrific team that attracts respect and admiration. If you can be more flexible, this alliance could last years.

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You're determined to finish a difficult job. If that means working twice as hard as usual, so be it. Make sure to wear safety equipment and play by the rules. Cutting corners will cause a terrible accident that will further delay your progress. Fortunately, your colleagues are eager to help. Call upon their services when you feel overwhelmed. By pulling together, you can dispatch this assignment in record time. Go out and celebrate together after you've crossed the finish line.

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Competing for someone's affection will be exciting. You are convinced you and a cultured person will make a great couple. Instead of waiting to be noticed, make the first move. Prepare a special meal for them or arrange an outing geared at their interests. You don't have to put on a lavish display of wealth to win their heart. Instead, be yourself. Presenting an honest picture is the best way to get this relationship off to a good start.

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A desire to live independently should be pursued. If you lack the money for a deposit, explore government programs aimed to help people in your situation. It's also possible a generous relative will help finance this dream. Stop telling yourself the goal is impossible. Defeatist thinking will only cause you to remain stuck. Summon your courage and take one step towards your goal. This will help you gain momentum. Soon, you'll be choosing from a good array of options.

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Speaking your mind will be cathartic. You're tired of dealing with an impractical person who has lots of brilliant ideas, but no understanding of how they should be executed. The next time you are asked to entertain a fantastic proposal, be ready to ask some probing questions. Don't let this charmer off the hook until they submit a comprehensive plan on how their concept will be funded and put into place. You don't mind when someone is idealistic, as long as they recognise their limitations.

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Your earning potential is strong. If you're not satisfied with a bid or salary offer, make a counter offer. There's no reason you should accept bargain basement rates. A person with your qualifications should be paid an impressive salary. Fortunately, it won't take long to attract an appreciative employer who is willing to pay what you are worth. People who work with you are secure in the knowledge you will do a superior job in a pleasant way that satisfies everyone involved.

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You have no intention taking advice from others. When you see something you want, you'll go after it. That's why you're so accomplished. You'd much rather be working towards a goal than dreaming about one. Whether you want to get an advanced degree, write a book or go on an overseas trip is immaterial. The important thing is to obey an impulse to expand your horizons. The richer and more varied your experience, the happier you will be.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Keep strong emotions secret. Most of your friends would be shocked if they knew how you really feel about a particular issue. You're tired of people scapegoating the weakest members of society. It's your mission to help those who are struggling achieve equality. Unfortunately, your attitude seems radical and dangerous to traditionalists. They will have no idea why you're spending so much time and energy on individuals you don't even know.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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As leader of a social circle, it's important to set a welcoming tone for newcomers. It will take time to get used to an intense person's style. Instead of backing away, beckon them into the fold. You'll be impressed at the depth and breadth of their knowledge. After getting to know each other better, you'll realise this individual has a tremendous amount to offer the community. You'll be inspired by their determination and they'll be impressed by your executive ability.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your executive ability is operating at full force. It's fun to bring order to chaos. A dramatic confrontation is necessary with someone who has been resting on their laurels for too long. If a project is going to succeed, everyone must contribute equally. Anybody who doesn't pull their weight should be sent packing. You appreciate the need for a break. There is a difference between resting and never working at all. Prepare to make an example of the worst offender.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're open to change. Moving to a different part of the world is a distinct possibility. Adopting another culture will be broadening. You'll become more flexible in some areas and more deeply convicted in others. Best of all, you'll enjoy a more relaxed pace that allows you to dream and create on a regular basis. If you're involved in a long distance relationship, this is a great time to move closer to your amour. Are you single? You could find love while living in a foreign country.

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