
Some people don't have the physical or emotional ability to support themselves. Instead of scorning them, be compassionate. Working for a charitable organisation will make you more receptive and pliable. It will be easier to let down your defences and form close relationships. Nothing undermines intimacy like a judgmental attitude. The next time you catch yourself thinking scornful things about an acquaintance, stop and ask whether you're being fair. Until you know an individual's back story, you can't possibly understand their situation.

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A friend's success feels intimidating. You don't think you'll ever be able to reach the same heights. Instead of competing against your loved one, turn your attention inward. What is it you truly desire? To make your dream come true, you will have to take practical steps towards your goal. This could involve practicing your craft each day, studying with a demanding teacher or moving closer to a city with the opportunities you want. Envy will vanish in to thin air when you're working steadily.

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Hypersensitivity will impede your professional success. If you're going to reach the top of your game, you must develop a thick skin. Learn to accept criticism, even when it stings. There will always be jealous people who try to undermine your confidence with harsh remarks. Give yourself permission to ignore these haters. When it comes to discerning people who demand perfection, your attitude should be different. Be willing to use their feedback to improve your efforts. You have lots of natural talent, but it must be polished.

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When it comes to relationships, it's better to focus on quality instead of quantity. Stop spending time with people whose ideas are offensive. Seek friends who share your interests and values. You have a special affinity for those who are curious about life. When you're in their company, you always learn something new. Best of all, you become more inclined to pursue your favourite hobbies. Instead of wishing for companionship, you'll find it in seminar sessions, lecture halls and discussion groups.

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Comparing your financial situation to that of an affluent friend is a mistake. Although your loved one is surrounded by opulence, they're not especially happy. The strain of maintaining their lifestyle has taken a toll. Instead of seeing their money as a blessing, it has become a burden. If you really want to make good use of your energy, make a daily gratitude list. This will lift your spirits and make you more aware of golden opportunities. It's easy to pinpoint potential when you love life.

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Being too loyal to family can be a mistake. Losing your identity is a real danger when you try to please others all the time. When your relatives push you into an undesirable arrangement, resist. Your defiance will send shock waves through the group. You're usually very accommodating with loved ones. The sooner you assert your needs, the happier you will be. Don't buy into guilt trips. Never apologise for your feelings. This is your life; take control of it.

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Just because you can't perform a certain type of work doesn't mean you should abandon a career goal. Serving as an apprentice will fill the gaps of your knowledge. The best things in life usually involve a personal sacrifice. If that means working without pay, so be it. Critics will question your choice, saying it puts you in a bad position. Don't listen to their warnings. You've reached a crossroads. If you don't make plans for the future, you'll be stuck in the same place indefinitely.

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Don't feel guilty having friendships outside your primary relationship. The bigger your support network, the stronger your partnership could become. Your amour can't possibly give you everything you need; you're too complex. If your other half is threatened by your social circle, have a heart to heart conversation. Explain why you don't want to rely on one person for companionship. If your other half can't accept this, it may be time to move on to greener pastures. Making your world smaller for the sake of a romance is a mistake.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You feel torn between your personal and professional lives. At this stage, it will be impossible to excel in either area without neglecting the other. The best you can hope for is doing a fairly good job in each realm. When you fall short of your goals, don't dive into a shame spiral. Instead, give yourself gentle encouragement. Although this season is exhausting, it is passing quickly. Do your best to enjoy each passing moment. It's better than the alternative of being perpetually dissatisfied.

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You hate feeling like you're in the dark. If you lack critical knowledge, take a course. It will take time to grasp elusive concepts, so be patient. When you have questions, save them for the end of the session. Interrupting your teacher will cause resentment, both from the instructors and your fellow students. A good rule of thumb to follow in the classroom is to listen more than you speak. Eventually, the knowledge you seek will start taking root. At that point, your frustration will give way to relief.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Doing more for others than you do for yourself is a mistake. The best way to cultivate generosity is to practice self-care. If that means taking time off work, going on more holidays and splashing out on creature comforts, so be it. Anyone who accuses you of being self-indulgent doesn't have your best interests at heart. They are more intent on having their needs met than seeing you thrive. Most people in your social circle do want you to thrive and will applaud your decision to put yourself first.

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When it comes to romance, don't settle for second best. If you're in a relationship that has lost its lustre, talk to your amour. Discuss ways you can recapture the magic that brought you together. By letting down your defences, they'll meet you halfway. Are you single? Hold out for someone who is worthy of your attention. Going on an endless round of dates can deflate your self-esteem and lower your standards. Reserve your precious time for people who are respectful, considerate and engaging.

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