
Don't be so quick to spend any extra cash you may have at your disposal. Serious financial responsibilities are on the horizon. Friends may not be as forthcoming with loans, and discounts have a way of vanishing into thin air. Try to make your money stretch as far as possible. Your resourceful planning will pay off handsomely in the long run. A lover or romantic interest could accuse you of being selfish. It's hard to be generous in circumstances like these.

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Fighting over household responsibilities could put a crimp in your day. You're tired of assuming the lion's share of the work. If you live alone, domestic disarray could be crowding romance from your life. Set some time aside to straighten up. Better yet, hire a professional cleaning service. It's possible your living situation no longer suits your needs. If that's the case, start looking around for a more suitable place. Hold out for something that fits your budget.

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Take care to get enough sleep and avoid junk food; otherwise, you'll feel the effects. This is not the day to play fast and loose with your health. A stubborn person could grate on your nerves. If there's anything you can't stand, it's someone who refuses to listen to reason. Instead of creating more stress for yourself, limit your contact with this tormentor. The less you engage this person in debate, the better off you'll be.

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Keep your expectations of a child low, or you'll create a situation that's ripe for failure. Be encouraging but not pushy. At times like these, even the smallest compliment can make a tremendous effect on a young person's confidence. Yes, you may inwardly think this kid isn't putting forth a strong enough effort. That will change, though, if you proclaim faith in their abilities. Money may be a bit tight right now, so try to economise, especially on amusements.

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A pessimistic outlook could create professional roadblocks for you. If you're looking for work in a tight job market, try not to give in to despair. Instead, believe there exists an opportunity perfectly suited to your needs and skills. The more confident you are about your prospects, the easier it will be to find an ideal situation. Try not to be too disdainful of a female authority figure, even if she is talking total nonsense.

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Communications problems abound, especially when it comes to pledging your time or money. Somebody could take a 'maybe' for a 'yes,' putting you in a bad position. Be sure to set the terms for any agreement in writing, and have the document read by a third party. It's easy to feel jealous of a person who seems to have so much more money at their disposal. Keep in mind you have emotional and intellectual resources that this friend sorely lacks.

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Friends may not be too encouraging of a romance, which makes you frustrated. You want your social and love lives to intermingle effortlessly. That may not be possible now. Rather than trying to ingratiate each party to the other, keep the two camps separate. You can't force affection. If this relationship is worth its salt, your friends will ultimately reconcile themselves to it. Time often heals these sorts of wounds. If you owe someone money, set a deadline to repay the debt.

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You're too emotional to deal with a lover or business partner who is pushing your buttons. Keep a healthy distance until you regain your composure. In the meantime, you may want to examine some of your career goals. What seemed like a good idea a few weeks ago may not feel all that compelling now. Prepare to move in a new direction, especially if you're unhappy with your current prospects. Let the next few days serve as a waiting period.

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It looks as though someone at work is likely to get all high and mighty today. If there's anything you hate, it's being made to feel inferior. Consider the possibility your tormentor is actually threatened by you. Your refusal to do things by the book can be very intimidating to people who are obsessed by tradition. It may be difficult to be very productive at work, thanks to constant interruptions. Set the lowest expectations possible, and you'll avoid a nasty headache.

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Friends are telling you one thing, but doing another. If you want to get something done, you'll have to do it yourself. Resist the urge to lend someone money, or you could be enabling a bad habit. A romantic attachment is showing signs of strain, too. It feels as though you're the one who is making all the sacrifices in this relationship. Even playing the romantic field could be something of a challenge. Assert your desires more powerfully, or they won't be met.

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Your attachment to a business or romantic partner feels threatening to certain relatives. You've got to set some pretty clear boundaries, or you'll be fated to repeat the same arguments. Beware of taking an authority figure at their word, as this person may overestimate their power. It may take all of your strength to control an angry outburst. Not everybody has your ability to anticipate long range problems. Cleaning up other people's messes seems to be your cross to bear today.

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Your energy level could be very low, thanks to work demands. Rather than pushing yourself to the limit, try pacing yourself carefully. Ask for extensions on deadlines whenever possible. There's no point in making a bad situation worse. People will be more apt to understand your problem if you alert them to the situation in a timely way. Put off complicated projects until tomorrow, when you'll be more attentive to important details. It's easy to make embarrassing mistakes when you're pressed for time.

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