
You see yourself differently than you did in the past. It's possible your family gave you a role that no longer interests you. Venturing down another path will be rewarding. You will have to abandon a secure arrangement for the unknown. Welcome the excitement. It's much better to try something new than remain stuck in a stifling situation. If you've been contemplating a makeover, this would be a great time to get one. You'll be delighted by the results.

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You have a strong feeling someone is trying to take advantage of you. Be more discreet when you're in this individual's company. Keep your precious possessions under lock and key when they're on the premises. It might be a good idea to upgrade your passwords and stow away your financial statements, too. You don't like feeling this way about a person who has always been friendly towards you. Provided this nagging suspicion persists, you should obey your feelings.

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Getting involved with a professional organisation will improve your job prospects. A fellow member will hear of a position that seems tailor made for you. Be ready to attend an interview, even if you think you can't possibly hit the target. The official who speaks with you will be impressed by your superior communication skills and upbeat personality. Although it's true you lack critical experience, you've always picked things up quickly. Learning the ropes will be child's play. Go for it.

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Reforming a silly rule gives you a new lease on life. It gives you great pleasure to level the playing field for vulnerable members of your community. At times, your work will interfere with a romantic relationship. Be careful not to neglect a loved one while you're striving for justice. The object of your affection isn't overstepping their boundaries when asking to see you privately. By taking time out of your busy schedule to enjoy candlelit dinners and pleasant outings, you'll strike a healthy balance.

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Studying with a talented teacher fills you with excitement. A relative will make fun of your academic pursuits, mocking your desire to improve yourself. These remarks are rooted in self-hatred. Instead of giving them a piece of your mind, try practicing compassion. Anyone who is threatened by another person's attempt to learn is obviously unhappy. Congratulate yourself on your willingness to explore unknown horizons. It's much more admirable than remaining stuck in one place. The knowledge you acquire will lead to exciting personal and professional breakthroughs.

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Practice detachment when it comes to financial matters. Money is a form of energy. It is not a reflection of your true worth. If you're struggling to pay the bills, practice the power of positive thinking. Imagine yourself enjoying creature comforts without an ounce of guilt. Assume that a lucrative job is right around the corner. Remind yourself the Universe is endlessly abundant. There's no reason you should feel bad about your current situation. It's the result of being preoccupied by sad thoughts. Turn that frown upside down.

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Money shouldn't be a factor in pursuing a rewarding relationship. If you don't earn a big salary, that doesn't mean you are ineligible for a profound love affair. Similarly, you shouldn't pay attention to a prospective partner's earning potential. You need a relationship that is founded on mutual trust, shared interests and a sense of adventure. When you find such a person, don't let them slip through your fingers. Instead, join forces and create the rewarding life you've always desired.

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If you're looking for a job, spread the word among friends, relatives and former colleagues. It will be easier to find a position through social connections than via traditional means. Are you unemployed? Take advantage of your freedom while seeking work. Enjoy activities that lift your spirits. Walks through the park, trips to the library and time with your pets will be a welcome alternative to searching job boards and sending out applications. Let this be a season of healing.

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An unusual idea for a book, song or design is worth pursuing. Don't worry if this concept seems to fly in the face of what is currently popular. Your unique outlook will allow you to make something that people didn't even know they wanted. It always pays to obey these creative hunches. Resist the temptation to show your work to well-intentioned friends. Their casual criticisms can throw you off track. It's better to keep this project under wraps until it's finished.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're ready to break free from a restrictive family belief. Although certain relatives will be offended by your behaviour, you must live your own truth. Some people will abandon you, but this is for the best. It's important to know who respects your feelings. Anyone who insists on having you parrot their beliefs is more interested in having a cult following than an authentic relationship. If you've been thinking of relocating, this would be a good time to do so.

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This is a great time to visit a restaurant, store or gathering spot that has recently opened in your neighbourhood. This place will be a magnet for people from all walks of life. You're sure to make some interesting friends here. Don't worry what people will think if they see you frequenting this unusual spot. You're still the same reliable person. If you want to mix with oddballs, so be it. It's much more interesting than aligning yourself with stuffy traditionalists.

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You can always make money through unconventional methods. When you don't have the financial support of loved ones, you can make it alone. It's simply a matter of thinking outside of the box. When conventional jobs dry up, you find ways to sell handicrafts and personalised services. This allows you to set your own schedule. In addition, you're able to pick the people with whom you work. That's a refreshing alternative to being thrown together with colleagues who don't appreciate your offbeat approach to work.

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