
Being the best in your division has become an obsession. Resting on your laurels is never an option. You're always studying the latest developments, acquiring cutting edge skills and contemplating the future. The idea for an invention is worth developing. The first few attempts will fall flat, but you'll draw closer to success with each attempt. When you get close to your goal, contact a visionary who can give you the start up money for a prototype. Your pioneer spirit will bring financial success.

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Money is going out as quickly as it comes in. Although you want to achieve material security, it's been difficult to accumulate savings. Last minute repairs have eaten into your budget. The best way to keep a portion of what you earn is to set savings goals. Automatically put some of your income into a savings account. You'll be reluctant to draw on this fund. The more it grows, the happier you will be. You're willing to make temporary sacrifices for the sake of a nest egg.

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Your leadership ability is at an all time high. Take this opportunity to pursue a cherished dream. In the past, rivals moved to block your path. Now all opposition will vanish into thin air. The difference is your level of determination. You're no longer willing to give up on your plans for the sake of fitting in. Being different is a source of pride for you. This ability to stand apart from the crowd will make you invincible. Stop looking to others for cues.

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A desire for peace and quiet should be obeyed. Many people are clamouring for your help. There's no reason you should put your needs aside for the sake of theirs. Sneak off to a tranquil spot where you won't be disturbed. Turn off your mobile and stay away from the computer. Being able to hear yourself think will trigger your creative impulses. Don't be surprised when a brilliant idea for a story, song or recipe comes to mind. You're a talented artist who needs solitude to thrive.

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Joining a professional organisation or social club will be helpful. You're tired of trying to make it on your own. Working with people who understand your dreams and share your commitment will be empowering. At times, you'll have to explain your actions to a highly analytical critic. This member of the team isn't trying to discourage you. They just want you to avoid pitfalls they have encountered in the past. Trust they have your best interests at heart.

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Your will to succeed is very strong. Take this opportunity to lobby for a promotion or important office. Your strong communication skills will impress others. Don't be afraid to challenge their assertions. Establishing yourself as an independent thinker will move you forward. The people in charge want someone able to make good decisions at a moment's notice. You're exactly the right person for the position in question. Don't be intimidated. You're just as smart and accomplished as anyone.

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An opportunity involving foreign travel, medicine, publishing or religion will fall into your lap. Going in a new direction will be stimulating. You're highly intelligent and can absorb lots of information easily. This makes you a good contender for a high profile work assignment. Your employer trusts you will make a good impression on a fact finding mission. When you're out of your depth, you're not afraid to admit it. Asking questions will ingratiate you to your hosts.

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Undergoing a self improvement programme will be more demanding than you expect. Don't abandon your goal at the first sign of trouble. Powering through difficulties will strengthen your resolve. Soon, your progress will be evident to everybody. Whether you're trying to get out of debt, lose weight or break a bad habit, you will be successful. You're not the type to complain when you could be making changes. Steer clear of negative types who sneer at your efforts. They're just jealous.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Working with a partner will be beneficial. Stop telling yourself nobody understands your vision. A person who shares your sense of adventure is eager to help. By combining forces, you'll finish twice the work in half the time. If you've been thinking about getting engaged or married, this would be a great time to do so. Even an independent soul like you can thrive with the right companion. Making an official commitment may be the best decision you'll make all year.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You'll be in great demand. People know they can rely on you to do a good job, but you shouldn't devote every waking moment to a project. Taking regular breaks will help avoid burnout. When you feel tired, take a brisk walk. Listen to some relaxing music and do some gentle stretching. Trying to push past a point of exhaustion will lead to embarrassing mistakes. Are you looking for a job? You'll be awarded one after rendering an impressive performance with this assignment.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Expressing your creative side gives you an attractive glow. Don't be surprised when an ardent admirer tries to win your heart. You're not especially interested in making a commitment, but you do enjoy your amour's company. Let down your defences and have some fun. Slowly, you will form a deep attachment. Getting engaged or married will be distinct possibility. If you already have a committed partner, plan a pleasurable outing. Don't let artistic pursuits supplant your relationship.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Establishing roots helps you feel more grounded. You've always had a tendency to get caught up in daydreams. Although living in a fantasy world is fun, you have to come back to reality from time to time. The return trip might as well be pleasant. Creating a comfortable home is a matter of listening to your intuition. Instead of trying to mimic decorating magazines, find furniture and artwork that sparks your imagination. You want a home that makes you feel like you've entered another dimension.

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