
You're running ahead of yourself in your natural anxiety to get a new project off the ground. You want to get going as soon as possible. Slow down; make allowances for those who aren't as quick to think as you are. Move too fast and you will be faced by a series of snags that will delay matters even further. Anyway, the more ponderous movements of authority aren't going to let anything happen very quickly.

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Have you chosen the wrong people to work or mix with or is it just a temporary problem you're going through? Constant squabbling isn't making life easy. Having similar goals usually helps but it seems you share the same aims but not the same ideas on how to achieve them. If you aren't able to respect and deal with these differences you may have to go your separate ways and meet up again once you've both achieved your goals.

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Whatever attracted you to someone when you first met could be the very reason you're having problems now. The side of them you were drawn to may be linked to something else you don't want any longer. It may, for instance, have been their adventurous and easy going side that attracted you. Now you see they'll never settle down because what makes them so independent and creative is that they're intent on leading a life of perpetual fun.

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Can you honestly forgive someone who has hurt you or deceived you and move on completely? Inviting an ex back into your life means you believe their promise that they will never repeat the same mistake again. Go very slowly as some promises are surprisingly easy for others to break. A good rule to live by today would be to give your opinion only if asked for it. Speaking out of turn could get you into a spot of bother.

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You're starting to question your relationships and how some friendships aren't as great as you thought. Why, for instance, is it that these days, someone you used to see regularly, only keeps in touch on Twitter and Facebook? They aren't investing time or anything else in the friendship. You're not meeting up with each other anymore but you need more actual contact. Prepare to move on and find someone who can give you the closeness you need.

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You could miss several chances to further a special aim due to you not being in the right place at the right time. It will be annoying and frustrating when other people seem to get all the best opportunities while you're up to your eyes in commitments you can't get out of. It's not as if what you're doing isn't important; if it didn't mean anything you would drop it immediately. Push what appears to be lost opportunity out of your mind as your time will come.

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You want proof that what your partner is telling you is true. The only way for a relationship to move forward is to get everything out in the open. Even so, being open with each other does not mean revealing your joint business to all and sundry. What goes on between you and your mate is nothing to do with anyone else. A friend will try to offer you advice, but no one has the right to judge or try to educate you on deeply personal issues.

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If and when things start to go wrong, don't try to lay the blame on other people, or your tools. It's too easy to start accusing anyone and anything for the problem when you're upset and frustrated. You're contributing something to the outcome even if you can't work out what. There are undercurrents of jealousy at work; your best plan would be to get on quietly in the background and leave it to others to make all the noise.

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Forget about it if you regret a recent choice or decision; there's nothing you can do to change things now. You're only wasting more time dwelling on issues of the past that can't be altered. To make it easier on yourself, it's unlikely you made this choice without thinking it through. You did what felt right in that moment. It's easy to romanticise over something that has past and gone rather than seeing it for how it truly was at the time.

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Your workplace is more like a schoolyard these days with groups divided between trouble makers and peacemakers. People pointing fingers and accusing others of getting a better deal cause drama and unnecessary tension. Those in high places won't want to know who's upset and why as long as the job gets done. You have good reason to want to stay in the background as you'd rather keep out of the squabbles and keep yourself to yourself.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You can feel yourself backing away because someone's getting too close. This relationship was only meant to be casual and you never implied it could be anything more. You've always liked your independence; it feels you're being backed into a corner. You'd appreciate it if they respected your need for some personal space. Don't wait until you feel completely suffocated within this relationship before saying anything. Explain your feelings now: your partner will understand.

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Think positively and you will change the whole focus and thrust of the day. Instead of telling yourself a task is impossible, start looking for ways to make it work. You are stronger than you think. Overcoming adversity will be another lesson learned and new insight into yourself. Don't throw in the towel just because things aren't easy. Put your energy into projects and endeavours that are lasting and worthwhile.

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