
It's time to get organised. Get a big calendar and post it where you can see it easily from your desk. Practice punctuality. Whenever you get a deadline, tell yourself to finish the job three days early, just to give yourself ample opportunity to get the job done. Make sure to factor in some relaxation, too. The point of working more efficiently is to have a more fulfilling personal life. Filling your empty hours with more work will just lead to burnout.

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You're competing for someone's affection, which is a little intimidating. Instead of trying to outperform a rival, you should focus on developing your own talent. You're wonderful at making people feel nurtured, comfortable, and appreciated. This is powerfully seductive. If the object of your affection isn't impressed with your gifts, move on to greener pastures. You deserve a partner who realises how desirable you are.

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Take the high road with a moral issue. Although you're tempted to cut corners, it's important to stay strong. Breaking the rules will result in disciplinary action being taken against you. That would be a real shame, since you're among the most talented workers in your organisation. Besides, you've worked so hard to get to this point. Do you really want to give it all up for the sake of saving a little time and money? Think in terms of your long term future.

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A friend will invite you along on a trip. Go ahead and accept, even if you're a little nervous about venturing into unknown territory. Yes, there will be times when you feel uncomfortable, but there will also be moments when you're utterly exhilarated. Be willing to sample the local cuisines foods. You might develop a taste for a certain spice or ingredient. Don't forget to bring home presents for your loved ones.

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A colleague is struggling and you're the only one who will be able to relieve them of their troubles. Just because the two of you don't get along doesn't mean you should ignore them in their hour of need. Step forward and take some projects off their hands. This ingrate probably won't thank you, but your efforts will be noticed. Your boss is really impressed that you can put your feelings aside for the sake of the group.

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You'll discover you have lots in common with a respected leader. The two of you will lose all track of time while you discuss your favourite books, movies, and musicians. If you have a great idea for a book, tell your new friend about it. There's a good chance they'll encourage you to develop the project, and may even introduce you to an agent who can get it published. Are you already in a relationship? Take this opportunity to write your partner a love letter.

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Stop postponing a home improvement project. Although you'll have to spend a little more money than you want, you will be pleased with the results. Having a comfortable domestic environment is essential to your happiness. Even a minor problem like a faulty light switch or broken windowpane will really get to you. It doesn't matter if you call a repair person or do the job yourself. Just pull the trigger and get the job done, while it's still fresh in your mind.

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Your charisma is so powerful that you are able to develop a loyal group of followers. Use your power judiciously or people will come to resent you. There's nothing wrong with encouraging others to expand their horizons. Foisting your beliefs onto unsuspecting victims is another story. Tread carefully with a young person who has a crush on you. You don't want to break their heart at such an impressionable age. By the same token, you don't want to give false hope, either.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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This is a great time to develop a moneymaking idea. If you need some start up money, ask a generous relative. Their gift will get your venture off the ground, but only hard work and dedication will make it a bona fide success. It might be a good idea to take on a silent partner who has previous experience. Take their advice seriously, even when it sounds pessimistic. You have a tendency to gloss over serious concerns.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Contrary to what you might think, it is possible to get the recognition you deserve. In the past, people have overlooked your contributions. That's because your job is to make everybody's lives easier. Unfortunately, you do this a little too well. It's only when you take a few days off do people realise just how much work you really do. Therefore, you might want to take a few days off, just as a means to draw attention to your talent.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You'd rather work in private, where you won't be disturbed by a micromanager. If there's anything you hate, it's having your enthusiasm undercut. A colleague will try to discover what you are working on. That's because your presence is so threatening. The sooner you leave the workplace, the faster your competitor's star will rise. That's why it's important to keep a tight lid on your work. The element of surprise will definitely work in your favour.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It's time to take the helm of an organisation. As a general rule, you prefer to be a follower, not a leader, but this situation will be the exception to the rule. You're the right person to preside over this group. That's because you've got a clear vision of what needs to be done, as well as a great deal of compassion for the individuals on your team. You're able to delegate the right tasks to the proper people. No wonder everyone likes working for you.

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