
You're not in the mood to deal with family emergencies now, but there's no other choice. Fortunately, a sensitive friend will be on hand to help you with last-minute details. Be sure to do something nice for your pal when you have a spare moment. Dinner at a nice restaurant or an afternoon movie may be in order. In the meantime, try to not to be impatient with an older relative. They deserve your respect.

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Just because you're not well-informed about a certain subject doesn't mean you can't learn. Ask somebody who has a good grasp of these issues to give you casual instruction. Although you shy away from formal school environments, you pick up information very quickly through engaging conversations. A compassionate authority figure could do you a favour. Don't take advantage of your good fortune, though. Otherwise, you'll be denied further opportunities.

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Your self-worth isn't terribly strong, which makes it hard for you to take chances. Normally, you're eager to gain experience in new fields. Today, you'll be tempted to stick with what you know best. Feel free to scale back your activities, but remember to do something kind for yourself before the day ends. Engage in a hobby, work on a crossword puzzle, or do anything else that bolsters your ego.

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You want to be accepted unconditionally by someone in authority, but that may not be possible. There are a few areas in which you'll have to compromise if you're going to win favour with these people. Specifically, it's important not to be oversensitive to constructive criticism. If somebody suggests you change your style a bit, give it a try. This will show you're open to improving your skills.

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Sometimes it feels like you'll never be recognised for your contributions, but that's not true. The fact is you demand almost immediate results from the smallest efforts. By cultivating patience, you'll be able to build a respected name for yourself in a desired field. That means you can't throw in the towel after initial efforts have failed. Keep trying. The more you persist, the higher your star will rise. Have confidence in your abilities.

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You have lots of creative potential, but need to focus on developing one of your talents just now. Otherwise, your priorities will be confused and you'll feel restless and dissatisfied. Get into the habit of doing a favourite activity for half an hour each day. Within a few months, your skills will become so polished it will feel like second nature to pick up a pen, paintbrush, or guitar pick.

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Sometimes you resent the fact you're not allowed to work without supervision. Instead of rebelling against the rules, demonstrate that you can perform within these guidelines. The more cooperative you are, the easier it will be to attain special privileges. Consider yourself to be on a trial period. The more success you achieve, the greater your independence will be, but you must remain patient. Vent your frustration to a sympathetic friend.

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It feels like your superiors have adopted a cold, unsympathetic attitude. Maybe that's because your behaviour has made them uncomfortable or upset. Rather than pushing yourself into a downward spiral, think of different strategies that will improve your relations with these people. Otherwise, you could get caught in a situation that saps you of health and vitality. Ask a respected relative for advice if you're unsure what to do.

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You're not particularly optimistic when it comes to romantic exploits. Perhaps it's because you don't feel good about your own appearance. You can turn this situation around by taking better care of yourself. Start by working out on a regular basis, setting reasonable fitness goals along the way. Each time you reach a milestone, give yourself a reward. Attractive additions to your wardrobe, grooming products, and salon services are good incentives for keeping fit.

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It may be difficult to meet a demanding partner's needs right now. This situation makes you feel sad and frustrated. Instead of giving into despair, spend more time on activities you enjoy. At first, your friend may accuse you of being selfish. In time, they'll notice how much fun you're having, and will finally join in. One of you must make a move toward happiness. As the stronger one, you should take the lead.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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All the experience in the world won't be enough to convince others of your excellence. Resist the urge to get defensive; it will only deprive you of valuable energy. You're better off seeking out the company of open-minded people who are eager for you to succeed. As incredible as it may seem, there are such groups out there. You just need to seek them out. Don't be a victim of this one negative experience.

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You're so worried about finances it may be impossible to enjoy yourself. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have a lot of money to lead a rich, fulfilling life. Make a point of pausing to enjoy something every day, whether it's a good meal, a beautiful nature scene, or a poetic passage in a book. The more effort you put into savouring life, the easier it will be to build the fortune you desire.

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