
Working from home will boost your productivity. It will be a relief to escape office politics and focus on a challenging project. If you're thinking of opening your own business, this would be a good time to do so. Such an arrangement will give you more quality time for your family. It will also cut down on commuting costs and expensive meals. Make a list of everything you will need to make such a venture possible. An entrepreneur's advice will be helpful, too.

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Telling off a rude person will attract lots of romantic attention. Someone who is impressed by your bravery could invite you out for a fancy dinner. You'll enjoy being wined and dined in style. If you're already in a relationship, you should pen a heartfelt love letter to your amour. Your partner will treasure this keepsake forever. Be sure to congratulate a child who has been working hard to overcome a problem. You should be proud of their progress.

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Obey an impulse to go on a shopping spree. Purchasing beautiful items for your home will give you tremendous pleasure. You might even stumble upon a terrific sale. If you're thinking of relocating, this would be a good time to look at properties. A little place with a beautiful landscape will tug at your heartstrings. Why not make a bid? The worst thing that could happen is that your offer will be refused. On the other hand, you could snag a great place to live.

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As a general rule, you like to hang back and wait for definite signals before expressing interest in somebody. That's not the case right now. You won't let a romantic rival steal your thunder. If you have your eye on someone special, make the first move. Your courage will be rewarded. Are you already in a relationship? Encourage your amour to go on a solitary trip for pleasure. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Besides, it's healthy for couples to spend some time apart.

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Working in seclusion lifts your spirits. It also helps you reassess your priorities. If you've been wasting too much time online or goofing off, turn over a new leaf. Devote certain times each day to your favourite people and activities. Stop doing drudge work that saps your spirit. Hand over responsibilities to other members of your household and office. Just because you can do the work of ten people doesn't mean you should. Fill your free time with creative pursuits, sports and family gatherings.

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Going out with a rowdy bunch of friends will be lots of fun. You're tired of playing by the rules all the time. Causing a commotion will give you a thrill. Showing off your rebellious side will attract lots of admirers. Don't be surprised when someone who was previously indifferent to your charm will ask for a date. You may decide to cast your lot with a shy member of the group who has always been polite and kind. You always did have good taste.

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Taking charge of a top secret project will be fun. You know just how to handle this assignment. Resist the urge to give the most important jobs to your friends. It's better to entrust difficult work with the most capable people in the organisation. If this results in some hurt feelings, so be it. When your boss sees the fruits of your labour, you could get a raise, promotion, or both. Keep your career objectives clearly in view at all times.

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A personal crusade will be rewarding. This is your big chance to reform an academic institution. There's no reason you should have to accept substandard teachers and standards. By drawing public attention to a troubled institution, you will get the community to rally behind you. You're not trying to cause trouble. You just want to make life better for as many people as possible. Why should the elite be the only ones with access to a good education?

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A passionate encounter will give you an attractive glow. Be sure to obey an impulse to make a move on someone special. The two of you have a powerful chemistry that cannot be ignored. If you have a partner and it's been a long time since you've been intimate, rekindle the flames between you. Arrange a special evening catering to your amour's favourite food, music and atmosphere. Pretty soon, you'll melt the icy reserve that has held you apart.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Give a partner a much needed push. You've always been the ambitious one, striving to improve your situation at every opportunity. Your comrade in arms is more concerned with maintaining the status quo. While this dynamic has been very helpful, it may have prevented your friend from advancing. Luckily, an exciting chance to travel, write, or study will fall in their lap. Make sure they pursue this golden opportunity. You don't want to be held responsible for later regrets.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You'll make incredible progress at work. Trust your instincts about developing a few shortcuts. These methods will save time, money and aggravation. You might want to keep this technique a secret. That way, you'll have an edge on the competition. If you're single, you could meet someone special at work. Keep your eyes open for a newcomer who is soft spoken and shy. Make it your mission to draw this colleague out of their shell. They'll appreciate your offbeat sense of humour.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Showing off your creative talent will win someone's heart. It's easy to fall in love with someone as gifted as you. If you have a romantic partner, be sure to express your desire for their company. Take the day off work to enjoy a passionate rendezvous. Making time for love will give you a new lease on life. The results of an exercise regime are starting to pay off. You might want to buy yourself an attractive new outfit as a means to reward yourself.

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