
Your words have an emotional force that is hard to ignore. Friends feel compelled to change their behaviour to please you. Keep this in mind before you criticise someone's creative work; you wouldn't want to discourage this person from going forward with a worthy endeavour. Your inner critic is probably working overtime today. Maybe this is the reason you feel compelled to comment on everyone else's efforts. Getting some intellectual stimulation can subdue your picky instincts.

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Your leadership skills prompt you to take a greater measure of control over financial affairs. You've always had good instincts about conserving your resources. Of course, you also have a taste for the finer things in life. Balancing these two impulses can be a bit of a challenge sometimes, but it won't today because you're surrounded by spendthrifts. Their irresponsible behaviour prompts you to be more cautious with your own money.

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Opening someone's mind could be a struggle, but it will be one you will ultimately win. That's because you have the tenacity of a terrier. Adopt a generous attitude towards a business or romantic partner who has suffered a series of disappointments. Your compassionate attitude will help heal their wounds. Maintaining a prominent public role has become a bit boring. Before you drop this position like a hot potato, consider what you will lose.

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You radiate sex appeal, and probably have your pick of admirers. If romance has been elusive, it's probably because you're not dressing the part. Take extra care to wear clothes that accentuate your best features. Working for a charitable organisation puts you in touch with people who can help you in a variety of ways. That's what happens when you generate positive energy; it is returned tenfold. Maintain your professionalism with a narrow minded person who grates on your nerves.

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Your impulsive nature has tremendous romantic appeal. Deep down inside, people are tired of playing it safe. Being in your presence makes them aware of all the glorious possibilities life affords. You have the heart of a child, which allows you to take chances that would terrify most adults. An unexpected expense could break your stride if you're not careful. Don't let financial matters prevent you from moving forward with a creative project. Your imagination is a powerful source of revenue.

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Stepping up your exercise routine gives you more energy to do the things you love. You're an analytical person, and sometimes find it hard to tap into your sensual side. That will change once you start working out on a regular basis. A romantic partner or close friend may be critical of your new routine, but don't let their smarmy comments deter you. Working on a household project proves rewarding. Create a comfortable niche where you can relax, read, and dream.

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You long to shake up your daily routine, and have a perfect opportunity to do so now. Abandoning yourself to romance is a distinct possibility. This would be a great day to sneak off to a secluded spot with your lover. If you're single, you could find a love interest at a movie, play, or concert. Keep your eyes open for an exotic looking person. You have an affinity for people who were raised in an entirely different way to you.

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Good use of your money and resources gives you a greater measure of freedom. Don't let a lover or child talk you into buying some expensive status symbol. You're better off putting your funds towards a holiday or course. You've never been very impressed by material goods; meaningful experiences are more your taste. Take a stand with a relative who has been trying to commit emotional blackmail. Let this man know you can't be manipulated by guilt.

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Philosophy, education, and spirituality are subjects that capture your interest today. You're tired to death of talking about crass matters like money and materialism. This would be a lovely time to take or teach a class. Even demonstrating a valuable skill will be rewarding. Show a child how to bake a cake or change a tyre. A troubled friend may try to disrupt your home life. Don't get enmeshed in their toxic vortex. You have better things to do with your time.

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A rude remark makes you boil over with anger. If there's one thing you can't stand, its rudeness. Before you lash out at this boor, consider how you will damage your reputation. It may be better to maintain a chilly silence, rather than unleash your rage in a public place. Spending time alone will help ease the tension. Listen to a favourite piece of music or read a book in a hot tub. Even a short break will restore your good humour.

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Intellectual pursuits put a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eyes. Abandon mind numbing routines for a project that challenges you to come up with creative solutions at every turn. Onlookers think that you are crazy for undertaking such a venture, which should tell you you're on the right track. Don't let a financial shortage trip you up. You can still move forward, provided you're willing to operate on a shoestring budget.

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An unrealistic view could be causing problems for you on the professional front. It may be necessary to take a job just to earn a living. That doesn't mean you have to stay in this position forever, but it will require you to be pleasant and positive for its duration. A good way to take the sting out of your work life is to spend your personal time on activities you love, like photography, dance, and film. An influential person could champion your creative efforts.

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