
It's important to respect the feelings of others. If someone seems too demanding, resist the temptation to put them in their place. There's a good reason your friend is asking for additional help. You may not understand their motivation, but you can give them the benefit of the doubt. Instead of being exasperated, go out of your way to give the assistance they need. This will turn a bad situation into an opportunity to strengthen your bond. Sometimes people who seem to have it together are suffering in silence.

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Don't give in to your fears. If you're having trouble falling asleep at night, practice some relaxation techniques. This could include anything from listening to soothing music to reading a comforting book to taking a scented bath. Give yourself time to relax and unwind from the day's labours. If you don't slow down, you could suffer a health setback. At stressful times like this, it's tempting to binge on junk food. Feed your body nutritious meals instead. It will make a world of difference to your energy level.

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You're eager to challenge authority. Don't make any radical moves yet. If you bide your time things will change and change quicker than you think. At that point, you'll be asked to fill the void. That's why it's so important to rein in your rebellious instincts. By showing you can work in difficult conditions, you'll win the approval of those who want to see change. Withstanding this toxic environment will be stressful, so it's important to find a healthy outlet for your frustrations.

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It's fine to complain about a situation but don't get mired in negative energy. Instead of falling victim to cynicism, devise a plan to make some changes. You lack certain skills to make a dramatic transformation. That doesn't mean you should abandon your goal. Reaching out to a knowledgeable relative or neighbour will turn things around for you. At times, you'll encounter frustrating obstacles. When this happens, lean on your partner for support.

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Beware of falling victim to a popular fad. Any business venture that involves continual investments of cash is not worth your time. While the members of this organisation seem to be having fun, they're undercutting their own security. Instead of spending their hard-earned money on personal needs, they're throwing it away on a fly by night operation. When the bottom falls out, they'll be left holding the bag. The schemers at the top will have made a fast getaway. When in doubt, don't believe the hype.

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You have a deep love of luxury but lack the funds to indulge your desires. Try not to dwell too much on this situation. When you are consumed by negative energy, it becomes very difficult to attract opportunity. Turning around your luck is a matter of improving your attitude. Make a list of 100 items that make life worthwhile for you. You'll be surprised to discover how few of these things require lots of money. Set aside time each day to enjoy at least one of your favourite pastimes.

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An unpredictable partner is driving you to distraction. It may no longer be worth it to stay in this relationship. A desire for companionship shouldn't stop you from moving in a healthy direction. Break away and launch a solo project. All forms of creative expression should appeal to you now. You've been bottling up your emotions, yearning for release. That escape will never come unless you instigate it. Summon your courage and strike out in a new direction. You won't regret it.

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An unstable employment history is causing problems for you. If you need a job, you might want to volunteer for an organisation you admire. After establishing yourself as a reliable worker, you could then be offered a paying position. When your circumstances are unusual, it helps to be creative. Acquiring advanced technological skills can also help. Employers that are crying out for qualified staff may be willing to overlook any gaps in your CV. Don't despair. Things will work out if you fight to stay positive.

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A newcomer to your social group seems exciting. Don't betray a loyal romantic partner for the sake of an impetuous fling. You tend to get easily bored. When this happens, you should find healthy ways to engage your imagination. Engaging in bad behaviour will only hurt innocent people. It will also damage your own self-esteem. You're a highly principled person. Don't abandon your beliefs just because you are tired of the old routine. Keep the big picture in mind at all times.

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An unstable living situation is getting in your nerves. It's time to move on to greener pastures. Be prepared for a manipulative relative to lay a guilt trip on you. There's no reason you should feel loyal to someone who always takes and never gives anything in return. Don't feel compelled to leaving a forwarding address or contact information for someone who will continue to abuse you. This is your chance to strike out on your own. It will be difficult but liberating.

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Jumping to conclusions will get you into trouble. It's better to give someone the benefit of the doubt, even if their behaviour seems suspicious. After a series of disappointments, you feel vulnerable. You're no longer willing to put your faith in anyone or anything. This will put a real strain on a solid relationship. Instead of giving into this temptation to lash out, take a few deep breaths. Think about your loved one's best qualities. Then vow to treat them with the respect they deserve.

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This is not a good time to borrow money. It's better to do the best you can with what you have than go into debt. Although the prospect of owning a snazzy car or an eye-catching phone is exciting, this purchase will cause more problems than it is worth. Instead of lying awake at night wondering how you will pay your bills, you'll have the peace of mind that comes with financial security. Make it your mission to enjoy the many wonderful possessions you already own but rarely use.

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