
Retreating from public view will be therapeutic. Although you enjoy mixing with people, they can sometimes drain your energy. Instead of looking outside of yourself for stimulation, turn your attention inward. Take a nap or soak in a scented bath. Being part of a rich tradition makes you proud. It makes you feel good to carry out a celebration that sets the tone for the entire year. If you don't take part in such activities, begin a ritual now. Observe special moments throughout the year.

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An enthusiastic person makes you envious. You'd like to be similarly excited about the future. At times like these, it's important to remember that happiness is a choice. You can either dread the changes ahead or assume they will work to your advantage. Being financially independent is a worthy and obtainable goal. The key to improving your income is to cultivate a prosperity consciousness. Spend a few moments each day dwelling on things that make you feel comfortable and relaxed.

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Prosperity, vibrant health and love are all coming to you. The secret to your success is an unconditional appreciation for life. No matter what your situation, you manage to focus on the things that give you comfort and joy. It's impossible to keep you down. Learning a craft will be a great use of your time. You're never happier than when you're working with your hands. Whether it's baking cakes, building furniture or even raising orchids, you'll have a wonderful time bringing beauty into the world.

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Someone who excites your imagination will ask to collaborate with you. Working on a creative project together will give you an attractive glow that's hard to resist. Don't be surprised when this professional relationship turns into a romantic one; you're well suited to each other. You have more options than you realise. If you're not happy with your job, start looking for another. Taking a relaxed approach to employment will help you attract a dream position. Getting paid to build things of lasting value will be fun.

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A partnership puts you in a much better financial position. Use a windfall to buy yourself a gadget that will make daily life much easier. It doesn't matter if it's a car, computer or smartphone; having reliable equipment will give you lots more leisure time. Someone will make you an offer that sounds too good to be true. This proposal is genuine; accept it with an open and grateful heart. The Universe is rewarding you for being kind and generous to those who needed help.

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You're in love with love. Whether you're single or attached, you should embrace your inner romantic. Go out for a gourmet meal with your partner or treat yourself to a bouquet of flowers. Splash out on some cologne and take extra care with your appearance. Coping with stress and anxiety is easier than you think. It's a matter of refusing to give your attention to ideas that make you feel bad. Dwelling on happy memories or exciting plans will keep fears at bay.

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Someone from your past will reappear. It's nice to know they hold you in high esteem. Don't feel pressured to reunite just because your admirer has moved mountains to find you. You've moved on since you first knew each other and want different things. There's a chance you will relocate your home or office. Moving to more stable surroundings will stimulate your creativity. It's easy to let your imagination run wild when you're in a relaxed environment. Be willing to pay a little more money than expected.

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You'll get a lucky break. A prize winning, a romantic encounter or a creative opportunity will fall into your lap. Bask in the happiness of this moment. When you appreciate your blessings, they will multiply and grow. This is the beginning of a fabulous cycle. Work is progressing at a nice pace. It's exciting to see the first signs of growth. If you continue at this pace, you'll have a big harvest in next to no time. Slow and steady wins the race.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A close relationship is showing signs of strain. An adventurer like you hates any situation that has become routine. To spice things up, take a short trip for pleasure together. Getting a change of scenery will help you reconnect, both physically and emotionally. More money is on the way, but you'll have to be frugal until it arrives. By the time a cheque hits your bank account, you'll have a good idea of how it should be spent. Buying some top-quality merchandise will give you years of satisfaction.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Attending a big celebration will lift your spirits. If you're not in a sociable mood, push yourself to go anyway. You'll be quickly drawn out by guests who make you laugh. There's a chance you'll hear of an exciting job opening at this party. You're on the verge of making a long-held dream come true. Achieving a fitness goal, acquiring a fashionable look or changing your name are among the possibilities. People will view you differently once this has occurred. You'll be very pleased with the change.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A relationship that's in its infancy shows every sign of promise. Resist the temptation to speed things up; enjoying every phase of this journey will strengthen your bond. If you're single, you'll meet someone special at a cultural or spiritual gathering. Introduce yourself. Getting an invitation to a professional gathering is a lucky break. Although you generally avoid such meetings, this one is worth attending. You'll not only make some valuable contacts, but you'll also find the speakers to be informative. Wear something that makes you feel cool and sophisticated.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Friendship could turn to romance. If you've developed a crush on someone you've known for years, it's time to make a move. You're very well suited to each other. Are you in a relationship? Encourage your partner to pursue an exciting job. Be open to studying with someone who seems different from you in every way. Although you're an unusual pair, you will work very well together. Be willing to put some assumptions aside for the sake of personal expansion.

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