
You take a relaxed approached to relationships, shying away from people who put heavy demands on you. Unfortunately, a relative who is having difficulty needs your help. This poses a moral dilemma for you. Although you have plenty of other things to occupy your time, you simply can't turn your back on this loved one. Once you take the lid off your compassion, it starts informing everything. You can be kind to people without having them taking advantage of you.

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You can be intensely jealous of a friend who is doing well. At times like these, you must remember that the Universe is infinitely abundant. Just because one person is doing well does not mean you will not. Continue to work hard on the things you love. Be generous with friends and relatives. Perform random acts of kindness whenever possible. Eventually, all this positive energy will come back to enrich your life. Be patient. Your turn will come.

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Resist the urge to manipulate people to get what you want. Although you'll achieve your objectives, you'll also create a lot of resentment. When asking for favours, be straightforward. This will give potential benefactors a fair chance to think about your proposal. They may turn down your request, but that's unlikely. When dealing with customers, be honest about what your company can and cannot do. Exaggerating claims will come back to haunt you.

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You're working too hard. Cut your office hours for the sake of your personal life. Friends and relatives miss your company. If you continue to pour all of your energy into professional matters, they'll feel neglected. Part of the problem is that you see sacrifice as a demonstration of love. There comes a point when people would prefer to spend time with you than reap the benefits of your labour. Are you unemployed? Acquire some cutting edge technical skills.

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A domineering attitude will backfire spectacularly. You should be humble with someone who has spent years amassing an impressive education. Being defensive will only cause you to miss an important learning opportunity. An intimate relationship can benefit by asking your partner for guidance. Playing second banana will bring welcome balance to your union. Are you single? You could fall in love with a well travelled sophisticate. They're attracted to your warmth and generosity, while you're impressed by their sense of adventure.

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Lately you've been holed up at home, reluctant to go out in public. Part of the problem is you are too sensitive. You hate having to deal with people who mock your need for perfection. Instead of getting defensive about your high standards, you want to be celebrated for them. Your family understands your strengths and weaknesses. That's why being in their company is so comforting. Instead of becoming a prisoner of your home, you should push yourself to go out.

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It's difficult to concentrate. There are so many distractions, each of them more interesting than work. Unfortunately, you're facing a tight deadline. If you don't meet it, your professional reputation will be compromised. Try sequestering yourself from a busy area. A quiet workspace will boost your productivity. Have you been suffering from nervous tension? Get a massage. This will chase the anxious thoughts from your head, allowing you to rest, relax and release.

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Insisting you are right and everyone else is wrong will result in an impasse. Try seeing the question from a colleague's point of view. It may not be possible to use quality materials on a tight budget. You'll have to do the best you can with what you have. The results will be less than impressive. When your boss asks why your work is so shoddy, point to the budget. Nobody will blame you when they realise the constraints that were imposed on you.

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You hate being in second place. Unfortunately, there isn't any option. A relative who is having personal problems needs an extra measure of nurturing. Try putting your ego aside for their sake. We all have periods of insecurity. Bolstering their ego will make things much happier at home. At that point, you'll be able to assert your needs without feeling guilty. A romantic relationship is heating up. Be clear about your expectations. In the past, you were hesitant to commit.

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A desire to escape reality is understandable. Unfortunately, you'll have to deal with some serious responsibilities. Signing a contract, confronting a bully or returning a phone call should be dispatched as quickly as possible. Once you take care of this unpleasant job, you'll be free to travel to fantasyland. Spending time with a compassionate relative can be therapeutic. They'll have valuable advice on coping with stress. The two of you are very different and you can learn a lot from each other.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's hard to get close to you. Sometimes you place more value on issues than you do on emotions. This can be alienating. The next time you get worked up about a political or religious issue, stay calm. Take a few breaths. Just because you and a friend disagree on these matters doesn't mean you are totally incompatible. The strength of your relationship rests in your ability to see different perspectives. Instead of running from these differences, embrace them.

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Getting wrapped up in career matters undermines your whimsical side. The next time you catch yourself worrying about promotions, salaries and pay rises, turn your attention to an art project. Pick up a pen, paintbrush or piece of clay. At times like these, you have to remember there is more to you than a job title. Are you unemployed? Embrace your freedom. Take this opportunity to do all those hobbies you neglect when you're stuck at the office.

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