
You aren't in the mood to do household chores, but give yourself an extra push. If you don't perform these tasks now, the week ahead will be much more stressful. Enlist the aid of children who are proud to assume important responsibilities. A home-improvement project will come off very well, provided you plan ahead. Make sure you read all the instructions before attempting to assemble a piece of furniture or appliance!

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Overindulging in food and drink will give you cause for regret for tomorrow. It's especially important to cut back on sugar, which makes you tired and irritable. Catching up on your correspondence is a good way to avoid temptation. Returning letters, e-mails, and phone calls makes you feel wonderfully productive, even on a lazy day like today. This is also a good time to pay bills and weed clutter from your work area.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Family matters are becoming stressful; there's just too much emotional baggage involved. Formulating a budget will give you a greater sense of control over your destiny. Make a list of all your expenditures, and compare it to your income. If you're not making enough money, write down ways you can earn extra cash. Don't tell your relatives about this little exercise, though. You don't need anybody's approval now; act to suit yourself.

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You're very proud of all the knowledge you've acquired, but resist the urge to brag. Otherwise, people won't be open to what you have to teach. There's nothing worse than letting your talent go to waste. If you really want to share your insights, seek out somebody who is an even bigger expert than you. This will remind you of how much humility is involved with teaching. Besides, you'll become even more adept.

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Beware of spending more money than you can afford, especially if you're already in debt. Although it's intimidating to face the reality of your financial situation, it's the only way you can conquer the nagging fears that have been eating away at you. Once you've made a list of all your expenses and compare it to your income, you'll feel a lot better. A new path will become clear, allowing you to spend more responsibly.

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Don't give yourself airs when dealing with less experienced people. Otherwise, you'll create enemies out of those who should be your friends. It's hard not to be exasperated with such na ve people, but if you remember your own frailties, you'll be less likely to criticise. A distinguished organisation may ask you to join their ranks. Accept with gratitude and humility, and you'll go farther than you've ever imagined.

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Beware of wallowing in self-pity, or you may never emerge from a difficult situation. The sooner you take control of your destiny, the more quickly your pain will end. If you've been handed serious responsibilities, accept them with an open heart. Not only will your knowledge increase, but your stature will rise as well. Don't let others think that you're not up to the job. The fact is, you're the best person equipped for it.

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It may be impossible to make others happy while suiting yourself. Going your own way can be lonely, but it's better than ignoring your instincts. Seeking a higher education in a distant place is a distinct possibility. Although it pains you to go so far away from friends and family, this may be the only way to find your bliss. Never fear; the separation will only be temporary. It's time to seek adventure!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Wielding your power or prestige props up your ego for a while, but it will soon deflate. You're much better off taking a cooperative approach to colleagues and family members. If you play your cards right, you could find a way of ridding yourself of a sizable debt. One thing is for sure, though: you'll only make enemies if you act like a big shot. Cutting your ego down to size will have wonderful results.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A refusal to consider somebody else's point of view could cause emotional fireworks. Although you don't have much respect for this character, that may be because you've never listened to their logic. Stop insisting you know everything that comes out of their mouth and open your ears instead. A fulfilling business or romantic relationship could develop from a heated confrontation. Stranger things have happened!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Although you've never placed much importance on money, it's important to be respectful of joint finances. Confer with your mate before making an expensive purchase. Similarly, you may want to wait before giving away an item that belongs to a friend or business associate. It may look like a piece of junk to you, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you really want to be useful, do some housework.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You may be taking a loved one for granted, although your intentions were pure. It may be necessary to cancel a fun outing in favour of spending quality time with this person. Don't mourn over this loss, or your friend will accuse you of being insincere. Besides, you'll have a very good time if you keep your focus on the other person, rather than remaining preoccupied with your own thoughts and fears.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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