
There is no one who likes to move ahead more than an Arian; so what is it keeping you in the one spot today? If something or someone makes you want to halt your progress, this won't be trivial. You might be aware of a vague rift growing between you and an older person. This makes you wonder whether it is wise to make any further joint commitments of a long term nature.

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Careful: exposure to viruses such as colds, sore throats or even measles could have you coming down with the ailment. Your health is average but overwork and stress could upset your immune system. You might seem more prone to catching whatever is going around. Take a practical approach to day to day routines. Take time off to rest!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Avoid getting involved with people you know from experience distract you from your aims. Before setting off to a destination which may involve long traffic queues, ask yourself whether you really need to go. In romance you might feel attracted to a newcomer to your work scene but you may need to disentangle yourself from past ties before you can take this any further.

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In order to resolve problems you need to work out why a family project has come to a grinding halt. Is it an older relative who isn't being as supportive or helpful as everyone expected? A housemate's ideas might conflict with yours or a partner is loading you with problems and demands. Whatever the reason it involves other people and you need to bend a little and suggest a compromise.

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Stumbling blocks ahead cause frustration. You may have to go back to square one when all you want to do is get a move on. Conditions do not bode well for transactions involving other people. Messages fail to be relayed, notes are lost and latecomers cause disruptions at meetings. It is almost impossible to focus attention on the job in hand. You are easily distracted today.

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You feel you are being bombarded by anonymous influences; you have too many choices to make. You may have to collect cash on behalf of a group or society and commission received is more than you were expecting. Someone could propose a new business venture or interesting ways to make more money. Keep an open mind but don't be in a rush to agree to anything.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Some people aren't as friendly as you were expecting but you won't let this make you hostile. Whether you are being introduced to new colleagues or someone who has just moved into your neighbourhood, you will be friendly and polite at all times. Within the family, the easiest way to avoid emotional upsets is to keep calm and to encourage loved ones to talk about their feelings.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Today you are intuitive and insightful; people will be guided by you because they trust your judgement. If long term plans are being made, gently guide others towards making moves that might benefit their future security. If you sense anyone is uptight or miserable, include them in social activities later in the day.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Expect to feel a little more restless than usual. You would rather be on the move and a colleague or old friend might provide just the excuse you are looking for to get away from your usual environment. If you're giving someone a lift or accompanying them on a journey, some valuable facts could come to light during conversations you wouldn't normally have had time for.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A business associate may come on a bit too strong; you wonder how far to let them push you. Although you don't want to hold things back by dragging your heels neither do you want to let yourself in for something you might regret. If you suspect someone has hidden motives and is driving you to make a decision you aren't ready for, postpone matters for the time being.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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People might give the impression they share your views and agree with your opinions but do they? You may start questioning someone's statements when they keep contradicting themselves. If you're working closely with someone you're starting to distrust, be wary about how much you tell them. Let others know you can't bear insincerity and you'd rather they told you the truth.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If you're house hunting, you may need to persuade others not to give up too quickly. Neither should you settle on a new home that doesn't suit your own and your family's tastes or needs. Agree from the start on exactly what it is you are looking for. Persevere and be ready to spend some time searching for the perfect abode. Stick with it and you could discover a hidden treasure!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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