
Beware of developing a power complex. You've mounted the ladder of success in record time. Now you're at the top, you need to pause and take stock of the situation. Take pains to thank the people who have helped you along the way. Resist taking revenge on someone who actively worked against you. The more gracious you are, the easier it will be to maintain your position. Handing out punishments will only make you look insecure. Take the high road.

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While it's admirable you have such strong beliefs, it's probably best to keep them to yourself. Trying to convert someone to your point of view will trigger resentment. Focus instead on building friendships with people who have radically different viewpoints. Contrary to what you might think, these relationships won't compromise your principles. They will only strengthen them. Your new friends will also enrich your life in strange and unexpected ways.

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Beware of courting danger. You'll be sorely tempted to dance close to the flame over the next five months. Maybe you're bored with your job. Perhaps you're afraid of growing stale. Although it's understandable you want a change, you need to be cautious. It's easy to get hooked on addictive substances like alcohol and drugs. Even prescription drugs can be a source for concern. If you develop a habit, ask for help. Many other people have struggled with this issue.

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Conflicts over money, custody, or intellectual property could be suspended between now and September. Take this opportunity to move forward in other areas of your life. It looks like the Universe is granting you a respite from this problem. Of course, it's important to keep a file of any papers you receive at this time. Keep in touch with a legal advisor who is familiar with this issue. Other than that, you will be free to pursue more pleasurable activities like romance, art, and sports.

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A tumultuous work situation is starting to subside. At long last, you can get back to business. The same issue could resurface in September. Until then, you will be free and clear of distractions. If you've been thinking of getting another position, you may want to wait for another five months. Curiously, a nagging health problem may subside. Perhaps this is a sign that the issue is triggered by stress. Look into relaxation techniques. They might make a world of difference.

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Resist the urge to gamble your money, affection, or time from now until September. Several seemingly golden opportunities will come your way. Don't take the bait, or you could lose more than you anticipated. For the next two weeks, your greatest financial opportunities come from inheritances, tax refunds, and insurance settlements. If none of these possibilities pan out, you'll have to conserve your resources. Eat leftovers instead of going out to dinner.

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Household upheavals have been wreaking havoc in your life. Mercifully, they will die down for a few months. Take this opportunity to find a new living situation. This may involve finding a place of your own, putting a down payment on a house, or breaking away from an abusive lover or roommate. You're an enormously sensitive person. Staying in a toxic environment will do more damage than you realise. It would be tragic if your creative talent were compromised as a result of this situation.

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A construction tie up or transportation problem could become a thing of the past. All of a sudden, it will be much easier to go about your daily life. You might even move closer to work, thereby cutting your commuting time in half. In addition, you'll have more opportunity to enjoy your favourite activities. Reconnect with some friends you've lost touch with. If you're looking for work, explore opportunities related to athletics, security, or heavy machinery over the next two weeks.

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Money matters won't induce nearly as much stress as they have over the past few months. Enjoy this phase to the fullest. Enjoy some good meals out, splurge on a gift for yourself, and be more generous than others. Although this phase won't last forever, it should be savoured or you'll feel even more depleted the next time you are forced to make sacrifices. People aren't meant to live on solely bread and water for extended periods of time.

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It will be easier to adopt a more relaxed attitude towards life from now until September. People are less tempted to defy your authority. Furthermore, your boss will be exerting less pressure on you. Relationships will flourish and creativity will flow. Granted, you will be expected to assume heavy duties later in the year, but now you are being given the chance to have fun. By the time this phase ends, you'll be ready to take up the mantle of responsibility again.

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A deep, abiding fear will begin to subside. Perhaps you'll undergo counselling for this issue. Maybe a series of successes will dissipate your anxiety. It's a relief to overcome this obstacle. You may even be inspired to write about this subject. Don't worry if it's been a while since you've put pen to paper. Words will flow from you like a mighty river. You could even be paid for this work. Be sure to return a phone call from a neighbour or sibling.

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A friendship is undergoing a series of transformations. One of you might be getting married or divorced. The arrival of a baby could also change the dynamic of your bond. Whatever the reason for this change, it will be unsettling. You're starting to wonder if you have anything left in common. Wait until September before making any final decisions. The next five months will tell you whether the two of you are meant to remain in each other's lives.

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